The Danish Meteorological Institute has an extensive international scientific record within regional climate modelling (RCM) and is the leading national authority on regional climate change projections.
We have focus on future climate projections as a consequence of the anthropogenic greenhouse emissions as well as interannual to multidecadal climate fluctuations and predictability. To investigate interactions and feedback mechanisms between atmosphere, ocean, land surface and ice on a larger scale, we also operate Global Climate Models.

We participate in a number of international RCM projects and have a prominent role in Europe as data host for regional climate projections. We work closely together with scientists and researchers in Denmark and internationally.
Ocean and ice play an important role in climate change and adaptation research. DMI’s regional marine climate research is based on high quality operational models for the Baltic-North Sea and Arctic-North Atlantic Ocean. The marine hindcast, reanalysis and projections have been used in many social benefit areas such as offshore energy, maritime transport, fishery management, coastal management and climate assessment etc.
DMI has participated in a number of international projects directed towards a variety of climate related research and development areas and as Danish Focal Point to the IPCC.
eSTICC: eScience Tools for Investigating Climate Change at High Northern Latitudes (Link: english (external))
Project aims: The overarching goal of eSTICC is a more accurate description of the high-latitude feedback processes in the climate system via further development of the eScience tools of the climate research community. It brings together climate researchers and scientific computing experts in Nordic countries to develop eScience tools needed for more efficient use of experimental and model data, and to improve the computational efficiency and coding standards of ESMs and of the tools used for inverse modeling of emission fluxes.
DMI’s role: DMI will work on improving the interface to the model data archive (CORDEX/ENSEMBLE), improving representation of ice sheets and their surface mass balance in ESM-Ice Sheet Model coupling system, improving the performance of the ESM (i.e., EC-EARTH) for carrying out extended long (millennial time-scale) experiments.
Funding: Nordic Top-level Research Initiative (TRI)
Period: Jan. 1, 2014 – Dec. 31, 2018
Collaborators: eSTICC is led by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), and gathers 13 research groups from the Nordic countries working in the fields of climate research and/or eScience, including the most prolific groups from the existing Nordic Centers of Excellence CRAICC, DEFROST and SVALI.
Participants from DMI: Shuting Yang, Christian Rodehacke, Jens H. Christensen