Research areas
Regional Climate Modelling with focus on the Arctic and Africa
Processes in the Arctic: Arctic climate and climate change, permafrost modelling
Developing Countries: Climate variability and change in Africa
Critical appraisal of observational datasets
Research interest in radio occultations and their use for climate change detection
- Impacts of climate change on water resources and agriculture and adaptation strategies in Tanzania (CLIVET). Coordinator: Dr. Karen Villholth, GEUS, Denmark, 2009-2014 (Danida - Danish International Development Agency)
- Monitoring the environment of the Mount Kilimanjaro region and its association with climatic changes. Coordinator: Dr. Clavery Tungaraza, University of Sokoine, Tanzania and Dr. Emmanuel Mpeta, Tanzanian Meteorological Agency, 2009-2012 (Danida - Danish International Development Agency, Award no. DFC-P10-08 Tan)
- Groundwater Drought Vulnerability Mapping Project (GWDVM), Coordinator: Dr. Karen Villholth, GEUS, Denmark, 2010/2011 (World Bank)
- Quantifying the carbon budget in Northern Russia: past, present and future (CARBO-North). Coordinator: Prof. Peter Kuhry, Stockholm University, 2006-2010 (EU; contract no.: 036993)
- Recent and future permafrost variability, retreat and degradation in Greenland and Alaska: An integrated approach. Coordinator: Prof. Vladimir Romanovsky, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2006-2009 (National Science Foundation)
- Regional climate change for Greenland and surrounding seas. Coordinator: Dr. Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, DMI, 2006-2007 (Danish Ministry of the Environment)
- Global implications of Arctic Climate processes and feedbacks (GLIMPSE) Coordinator: Prof. Klaus Dethloff, Alfred-Wegener-Institut Potsdam, Germany, 2002-2005 (EU; contract no.: EVK2-CT-2002-00164)
Addtional information
- Member of American Geophysical Union (AGU) and Danish Meteorological Society (DaMS).
- Contributing author for IPCC TAR and AR5 reports and reviewer for AR4 report.
- Referee for international scientific research councils in the US, Sweden, Norway and the Czech Republic.
- Reviewer for numerous scientific journals, including Nature, Science, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Climate, Climate Dynamics, Environmental Research Letters, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Theoretical and Applied Meteorology, Climate of the Past and Boreal Environment Research.
- Coordinating lead author for the chapter “Past and current changes in the Atmosphere” of the North Sea region climate change assessment 2011-2014 (NOSCCA).
- Lead author for the chapter “Ways forward for climatology in the Arab region” of the World Bank Flagship Report “Adaptation to a Changing Climate in the Arab Countries”. World Bank Report 64635 - MNA.
- Lead author for the chapter “Recent and current climate change” of the BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea basin 2009-2014 (BACC II).
- Editor for the newly launched journal ISRN Meteorology.
- Guest editor for the Special Issue on "Modeling the spatial dynamics of permafrost and seasonally frozen ground at diverse scales" of the journal The Cryosphere.
- Guest editor for the Special Issue on "Large-scale modelling over cold climate land regions" of the journal Advances in Meteorology.
- Member of the BALTEX Science Steering Group.
- Expert advisor for the Third World Academy of Sciences. (Assessments of impacts and adaptations to climate change in sub-Saharan Africa)
- 4 TV/radio programs (3 Danish, 1 Greenlandic).
- 12 newspaper articles in Danish, German and U.S. papers.
PhD supervision (external supervisor):
Sarah Emerald Osima, Tanzanian Meteorological Agency and University of Cape Town, South Africa - CLIVET, 2010-2014
Saiguran Loisulie, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania and University of Cape Town, South Africa - Kilimanjaro project, 2010-2012 (deceased).