Completed projects
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ABC4CDE / DECM : Assuring Best practiCes for Climate model Data Evaluation
Project aims: There are four core requirements for climate data provision: integrity, transparency, humility (in the sense of not presenting information as more than it is, nor less than it is), and collaboration; A well-designed framework for metadata and data structure helps approaching these goals. Data should be transparently obtainable and visible and the degree of quality indicated. Thus, the evaluation and quality control (EQC) framework aiming to fulfill this goal is essential for both the scientific and public audience. ABC4CDE targets assessments of user requirements, science and gaps in climate model data delivery concerning CMIP and Euro-CORDEX data. It focuses strongly on user requirements, data inventory and scientific assessment and gap analysis to formulate user-friendly and fit-for-purpose indicators, tools and services to be recommended for the C3S EQC framework.
DMI’s role: DMI will contribute to all aspects of the project. The main efforts are within the tasks associated with the scientific assessment and gap analysis. Here a particular focus is on defining basic tests of the suitability of impacts methods and models, a review of different approaches will be performed and emerging commonalities and recommendations will be extracted as an integral part of the EQC.
Funding: Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S); ECMWF
Period: Aug. 1 2016 - October 31, 2018.
Collaborators: The ABC4CDE team consists of 8 partners, led by the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
Participants from DMI: Ole Bøssing Christensen, Marianne Sloth Madsen, Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Majken Salomon Hess, Herdis Preil Damberg.
ARCPATH (Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies)
Project aims: To improve Arctic climate prediction by reducing uncertainties originating from changes in the cryosphere and the ocean, and to explore Arctic climate sensitivity to anthropogenic forcing; To increase understanding and reduce uncertainties regarding how changes in climate interact with multiple societal factors including the development of local and regional adaptation measures; To supply this knowledge as potential “pathways to action” to the specific Arctic regions singled out for special focus in the project.
DMI's role: DMI will work together with SMHI to develop the EC-Earth seasonal to decadal prediction system with ocean+sea ice assimilation; DMI will also perform high resolution prediction experiments to assess the importance of higher model resolution for better climate services for the Arctic communities.
Funding: Nordic Top-level Research Initiative (TRI)
Period: Jan. 1, 2016 – Dec. 31, 2020
Collaborators: NERSC, UiB, SAI, HRC, IES/UI, SMHI
Participants from DMI: Shuting Yang, Bo Christiansen and Tian Tian
ASIP (Automated downstream Sea Ice Products for Greenland waters)
Project aims: Develop an automatic sea ice product service for Greenland waters which can meet the increased demands for sea ice information coming from the growing group of users operating in Greenland waters. In between the span from traditional manually produced Ice Charts and daily downstream sea ice products in coarse resolution, there is a lack of high resolution products delivered in near-real time. ASIP will meet this demand, taking advantage of the vast amount of new data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites and by using a new and innovative data fusion approach and state-of-the-art mathematical data processing methods: Utilizing data from satellite sensors with different capabilities, will allow for ice products that are independent of daylight, weather and season and result in a significant increase in product temporal frequency and geographical coverage compared to existing ice products.
Funding: 3-year project, Innovationsfonden
Period: Nov 2017 - Oct. 2020.
Collaborators: DTU (-Space og -Compute), og Harnvig Arctic and Maritime
Participants from DMI: Matilde Brandt Kreiner, Jacob L. Høyer, Pia Nielsen-Englyst
AtlantOS (Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System) - Horizon 2020
Project aims: The ocean covers about 70% of earth’s surface. It provides us with key resources such as food, energy and materials, transport, recreational services and regulates weather and climate. A growing and more affluent population increases the environmental pressure on the ocean due to climate change, over exploitation, coastal build up, habitat destruction and pollution. Moreover, there is a growing demand for those marine ecosystem service and the desire to grow an ocean blue-green economy.
An integrated, effective, sustainable, and purposeful in-situ and satellite ocean observing system is needed to document, understand and possibly predict the ocean. Ocean information is critical to record change, facilitate timely warning of ocean-based hazards, initialize ocean system models for weather, climate and environmental forecasting, and to provide knowledge on the ocean dimension of sustainable development, the potential of the blue-green ocean economy and ocean protection and restoration.
So far, Atlantic Ocean observation was undertaken through loosely coordinated, in-situ observing networks, satellite observations and their data management arrangements remain heterogeneous. Thus, there is tremendous opportunity to advance and integrate the systems towards a fully integrated System. While the overall architecture, best practices, essential ocean variables are best articulated at the global level i.e. through the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the Blue Planet initiative of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), implementation actions are more efficiently coordinated at the basin scale.
The EU Horizon 2020 project AtlantOS contributed to the above-mentioned challenges by focusing on the Altantic Ocean basin. The project pooled the expertise and work of 57 European and 5 non-European partners (research institutes, universities, marine service providers, multi-institutional organisations, and the private sector) from 18 countries.
Funding: European Commission H2020 Programme for Research and Innovation
Period: 1 April 2015 - 30 September 2019.
Collaborators: GEOMAR (Coordinator) and 40 partners.
Participants from DMI: Steffen M. Olsen, Jacob L. Høyer, Gorm Dybkær
AVESOME (Added Value of uncertainty Estimates of SOurce term and MEteorology)
Project aims: In the early phase of a nuclear accident two large sources of uncertainty exist: one related to the source term and one associated with the meteorological data. In brief, operational methods will be developed in AVESOME for quantitative estimation of uncertainties in atmospheric dispersion modelling resulting from uncertainties in assessments of both the release of radionuclides from the accident and their atmospheric dispersion.
Previously, due to lack of computer power, such methods could not be applied to operational real-time decision support. However, with modern supercomputing facilities, available e.g. at national meteorological services, the proposed methodology is feasible for real-time use, thereby adding value to decision support.
In the recent NKS-B projects MUD, FAUNA and MESO, the implications of meteorological uncertainties for nuclear emergency preparedness and management have been studied, and means for operational real-time assessment of the uncertainties in a decision-support system (DSS) have been described and demonstrated.
In the proposed project, AVESOME, we address the uncertainty of the radionuclide source term, i.e. the amount of radionuclides released and the temporal evolution of the release. Furthermore, the combined uncertainty in atmospheric dispersion model forecasting stemming from the source term and the meteorological data is examined. Ways to implement the uncertainties of forecasting in DSSs, and the impacts on real-time emergency management will be described.
DMI's role: Coordination, ensemble-statistical application of the DERMA atmospheric dispersion model.
Funding: Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS)
Period: 2017 - 2018.
Collaborators: DEMA (Danish Emergency Management Agency), SSM (Swedish Radiation Safety Authority), Met Norway, DTU Nutech, FOI (Swedish Defence Research Agency)
Participants from DMI: Jens Havskov Sørensen (coordinator)
(continuation of the previous project period, with same collaborators)
Project aims: To deliver and operate a robust, sustainable and state of the art ocean monitoring and forecasting service for the Baltic Sea as part of EU’s Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service(CMEMS) that covers both the Global sea and the European waters.
DMI's role: DMI plays an active role in project management, operation, service and scientific development of the Baltic Sea component of the CMEMS service. DMI is the coordinator of the Baltic Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Center (BAL MFC). During the 1st half of the contract period DMI will further deliver the forecast product for the physical and biogeochemical conditions in the Baltic Sea. During the 2nd half of the contract period DMI will focus on new model simulations of the physical and biogeochemical conditions in the Baltic Sea for the latest 25 years. New knowledge will hopefully be gained on data assimilation and ocean and ice modeling in the Baltic Sea; resulting in improved model products for the users of EU’s Copernicus Marine Service.

Funding: CMEMS BAL MFC is a project with 4 million euro contracted with MERCATOR Ocean, France, who has been delegated the overall task by the European Commission to implement EU’s Copernicus Marine Service.
Period: (new) January 1st, 2018 - June 30th. 2021
Collaborators: DMI, BSH (Germany), FMI (Finland), MSI (Estonia) and SMHI (Sweden).
Participants from DMI: Vibeke Huess, project leader, Jun She, Jacob Woge, Jens Murawski, Vasily Korabel
BALTRAD (2008 – 2012) & BALTRAD+ (2011- 2014) (Link: english (external))
Project aims: The BALTRAD project, and its extension BALTRAD+, is concerned with the creation of a sustainable weather radar network for the Baltic Sea Region, operating in real-time, with high-quality data, and with demonstrated value to forecasters and decision-makers.
DMI's role: Development of a hydrometeor classifier (HMC) in which the radar returns are classified into a number of precipitation and false-echo.

Funding: The European Unions regional programme INTERREG IV B, the Baltic Sea Region.
Period: Oct. 2008 - May 2014.
Collaborators: SMHI, FMI, IMGW, LVGMC, DMI, LHMS, RHMC (Belarus), STUK, EEA, ÅU, Aarhus Water A/S (Denmark),, DWD.
Participants from DMI: Rashpal S. Gill, Martin B. Sørensen and Thomas Bøvith.
Baltic Sea basin Checkpoint (BSCP)
Project aims: To examine the current data collection, observation, surveying, sampling and data assembly programs in the Baltic Sea basin, assess and demonstrate how they can fit into purpose in the 11 challenge areas in terms of data uncertainty, availability, accessibility and adequacy, and deliver the findings to stakeholders through an internet portal with dynamic mapping features and a stakeholder workshop.
DMI's role: Coordination, data usage and adequacy assessment in wind farm siting, climate change, oil platform leak, coastal protection and eutrophication, data adequacy report.

Funding: EC EASME
Period: June 17, 2015 - June 16, 2018.
Collaborators: DTU, ETT, EuroGOOS, FMI, KU, SMA, SMHI, SWECO, TUT
Participants from DMI: Jun She, Jens Murawsky, Kristine S. Madsen and Zhenwen Wan
Blue-Action (Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate) - Horizon 2020
Blue-Action is coordinated by DMI (Dr. Steffen M. Olsen)
Project aims: Businesses, policymakers, and local communities need to access reliable weather and climate information to safeguard human health, wellbeing, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.
However, important changes in climate variability and extreme weather events are difficult to pinpoint and account for in existing modelling and forecasting tools. Moreover, many changes in the global climate are linked to the Arctic, where climate change is occurring rapidly, making weather and climate prediction a considerable challenge.
Blue-Action evaluates the impact of Arctic warming on the northern hemisphere and develop new techniques to improve forecast accuracy at sub-seasonal to decadal scales. Blue-Action specifically works to understand and simulate the linkages between the Arctic and the global climate system, and the Arctic’s role in generating weather patterns associated with hazardous conditions and climatic extremes.
In doing so, Blue-Action aims to improve the safety and wellbeing of people in the Arctic and across the Northern Hemisphere, to reduce the risks associated with Arctic operations and resource exploitation, and to support evidence-based decision-making by policymakers worldwide.
DMI's role: DMI is involved in most aspects of the project including science coordination and project management.
Funding: European Commission H2020 Programme for Research and Innovation.
Period: 1 December 2016 - 30 September 2021
Collaborators: +40 international partners
Participants from DMI: Steffen M. Olsen, Chiara Bearzotti, Shuting Yang, Peter Langen, Torben Schmith, Tian Tian,
CARRA (Copernicus Arctic Regional ReAnalysis)
Project aims: A 24-year reanalysis with the same regional model setup will be implemented and run on two complementary domains to cover the European sector of the Arctic. This will be done with the HARMONIE-AROME model running at 2.5 km resolution. The project is planned for four years duration and starts with a design and setup phase, then the reanalysis enters production in Month 20. The reanalysis dataset will be continuously updated to provide a complete 24 years time series before the end of the project. The work also includes a proof-of-concept Pan-Arctic reanalysis to be run for one year duration.
DMI's role: DMI leads WP1, the work package on system development. DMI participates in all most task within WP2, the work package on input data, and will lead the WP2 tasks 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 on physiography, glacier input and albedo, and SST and sea ice, respectively. Additionally, DMI will be responsible for the reanalysis production (part of WP3) for one of two CARRA model domains. This domain covers Greenland, Iceland and a few of the adjacent islands in the high Arctic. will be responsible for the reanalysis production in the other domain that covers the Barents Sea, Svalbard and Northern Scandinavia. Finally, DMI will contribute to WP4 on user guidance and support, in which documentation and guidance on the available products from the service will be made.
Funding: The Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S) programme, which is a programme initiated by the EU commission.
Period: Sept. 2017 - June 2021. (extended to August 2021)
Collaborators: Met.NO (det norske meteorologiske institutt), DMI, SMHI, Meteo France, IMO (Veðurstofa Íslands), FMI.
Participants from DMI: Kristian Pagh Nielsen, Xiaohua Yang, Jacob L. Høyer, Rasmus Tage Tonboe, Ruth Mottram, Bjarne Amstrup, Kai Sattler, Mats Dahlbom, Pia Nielsen-Englyst, Emy Alerskans, Peter L. Langen
C3S_312b_Lot1 (Copernicus Climate Change Service)
Project aims: The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) is currently building a Climate Data Store (CDS) that will provide open access to
observed quality-assured climate data records. The main aim of the C3S_312b_Lot1 project is to make such climate data records, so called
Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), available to the CDS.
For the current project, there is a focus on variables related to atmospheric physics. The project includes both the development of capability to
generate such data records, and arrangement of brokering of data records that are already being generated, e.g., by EUMETSAT SAFs, by ESA, or
by other organisations. The project also includes documentation, provision of user services, and arrangement of user workshops.
Project aims: to set up a system for brokering of ROM SAF gridded monthly mean humidity data records, both the currently existing reprocessed data sets and the interim data that are being updated on a regular basis. DMI's role also include various contributions to the user services, and participation in the general project team work.
Funding: Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S), a programme under the EU commission.
Period: May 2018 - September 2021.
Collaborators: DWD (lead), CNR, DMI, FUB, KNMI, CNRS/LEGOS, RMIB, SMHI, STFC-RAL, TVUK, Met Office
Participants from DMI: Hans Gleisner, Kent B. Lauritsen
C3S_312b_Lot3_Ocean (Copernicus Climate Change Service)
Project aims: The service is dedicated to the ocean ECVs that gathers Sea Level, Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Ice and Ocean Colour ECVs. It ensures the continuity for existing ECVs (SL, SST, SI) that had started under C3S 312a contract. It also addresses a new ECV; Ocean Colour. A total of 9 variables will be produces: sea level, sea surface geostrophic velocities, SST, sea ice concentration, sea ice edge, sea ice type, sea ice thickness, chlorophyll-a and remote sensing reflectance.
DMI's role: DMI is the Sea Ice ECV manager and responsible for the validation of the sea ice concentration, edge and type products along with the target requirement and GAP analysis document and the Sea Ice helpdesk.
Funding: Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S), a programme under the EU commission.
Period: Oct. 2018 - Jun. 2021.
Collaborators: CLS (lead), Univ. of Reading, PML, UK Met Office, Met.NO, AWI
Participants from DMI: Eva Howe, John Lavelle, Matilde Kreiner
CLAIM (Cleaning marine Litter in the Mediterranean & the Baltic Sea) - Horizon 2020
Project aims: CLAIM focuses on the development of innovative cleaning technologies and approaches, targeting the prevention and in situ management of visible and invisible marine litter in the Mediterranean and Baltic Sea.
Two innovative technological methods will be developed, a photocatalytic nanocoating device for cleaning microplastics in wastewater treatment plants and a small-scale thermal treatment device for energy recovery from collected litter on board ships and ports. An innovative floating boom for collecting visible litter and a method to measure microlitter on board ships (Ferrybox) will be developed. The proposed cleaning technologies and approaches prevent litter from entering the sea at two main source points, i.e. wastewater treatment plants and river mouths. Effectiveness of developed devices and methods will be demonstrated under real conditions.
Additionally, CLAIM will develop innovative modeling tools to assess the marine visible and invisible plastic pollution at basin and regional scales (Saronikos Gulf, Gulf of Lyon, Ligurian Sea, Gulf of Gabes and Belt Sea).
An ecosystems approach will be followed to evaluate the potential benefit from proposed litter cleaning methods to ecosystem services. New business models will be developed to enhance the economic feasibility for upscaling the innovative cleaning technologies, taking into account the existing legal and policy frameworks in the CLAIM countries, as well as acceptance of the new technologies by their end-users and relevant stakeholders.
The data and information produced will be made available to policymakers, stakeholders and end-users in a user-friendly format,both meaningful and tailored to each stakeholder group. CLAIM aims at the same time to raise public awareness with respect to having healthy oceans and seas, clean of litter and pollutants, and hence the importance of reducing marine (macro, micro and nano) pollution in European seas and beyond towards restoring marine ecosystems based on a circular economy.Five different innovations in marine litter management ranging from devices preventing micro and macro-litter entering our seas to using macro litter as energy to assess their environmental impact in the Mediterranean and the Baltic seas, are at the core of the newly funded EU Horizon 2020 project CLAIM.
DMI's role: DMI leads the workpackage on the development of innovative technologies on the monitoring and modelling of marine plastics.

Funding: European Commission H2020 Programme for Research and Innovation
Period: Nov. 2017 - Apr. 2022
Participants from DMI: Jun She, Jens Murawski, Jacob Woge Nielsen, Vilnis Frishfelds
CoDEC (C3S_422_Lot2 CoDEC – ECMWF Copernicus Procurement)
Project aims: To deliver a climate change operational data service for the european coasts, where the user can see "climate impact indicators" for their coastal area.
DMI's role: To select propagation for waterstand and wave models from atmospheric reanalysis and climate models and test downscaling with Harmonie (NEA) for selected storms. And to make a case for Køge Bay, with water modeling (HBM) and waves (WAM) under selected storms / storm floods in the Baltic Sea, in ongoing dialogue with the Coastal Directorate, which is associated with the project as a user.orecasting of weather dependent road conditions, in particular the formation of ice.
Funding: Deltares is the contract holder for ECMWF/Copernicus. DMI is subcontractor.
Period: Sept. 2017 - Feb. 2018.(ext. Mar-2020)
Participants from DMI: Kristine Madsen, ..
CCI Sea Ice - ESA (Link:
Project aims: The objectives of the Sea Ice CCI are to twofold: (1) Develop and provide quality-controlled ice concentration data sets for the Arctic and Antarctic from 1979 to present based on passive microwave data and (2) Develop and provide Arctic sea ice thickness data sets based on radar altimeter data from 1993 to present. Both datasets with the best possible validation and error characterization.
DMI’s role: Lead the work on development of ice concentration dataset.

Funding: ESA
Period: January 1st, 2012 - December 31th, 2015
Collaborators: NERSC, MET, FMI, DTU, U-Bremen, U-Hamburg, and others
Participants from DMI: Leif T. Pedersen project leader
CRES: The Centre for Regional Change in the Earth System (link: english (external))
Project aims: Adaptation to climate change requires whenever possible, understanding and quantification of how human activities and natural processes affect human and natural systems. The CRES mission is to establish a coordinated research effort of high relevance to societal preparedness for climate change and to enhance Denmark’s contribution to international climate change research.
DMI’s role: CRES is led from DMI by DKC and contributes with further development of and climate simulations performed by the regional climate model HIRHAM5 to the CRES group.
Funding: Danish Council of Strategic Research
Period: Oct 2009 – Feb 2015
Collaborators: Danish Meteorological Institute, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aarhus University, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, National Environmental Institute, Aarhus University, DTU Climate Centre, Technical University of Denmark, Danish Hydraulic Institute, Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Local Government Denmark, The Danish Water and Waste Water Association, The Danish Insurance Association, Knowledge Centre for Agriculture, The Danish Agricultural Advisory Services
Participants from DMI: Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen and Martin Olesen
DABAI(Danish Center for Big Data Analytics driven Innovation)
Project aims: The overall aim is to make Denmark a pioneer in exploiting the full potential of big data. A group of Danish IT companies with Big Data competences, as well as government institutions representing a range of public authority interests will develop general techniques and tools for Big Data analytics to be applied within a broad range of domains. The work in the partnership will be driven by practical cases with a large business and societal potential. The initial cases will be within Societal Data, Educational Data, and Food Supply Chain Data.
DMI's role: DMI participates in a case study on modelling of flooding from storm surges on the coasts of Denmark. Period: 2017-2019. Collaborators: For the case study, we collaborate with Aarhus University and Scalgo.
Funding: Innovationsfonden
Period: 2017 - 2019.
Collaborators: For the case study, we collaborate with Aarhus University and Scalgo
Participants from DMI: Kristine S. Madsen, Vibeke Huess
Data base for climate adaptation needs in Greenland
Project aims: The data base will consist of climate scenarios for Greenland, exemplified by a series of basic climate indices presented for the non-ice covered land area and coastal areas of Greenland. A catalogue presenting the likely change at near term, mid-century and by the end of the 21st century will be constructed and presented on a web-site. The data will be extracted and presented in a report alongside various assessments of the likely uncertainty ranges.
DMI's role: DMI will carry out HIRHAM climate scenarios using HIRHAM at 5 km resolution and produce a report documenting these in a format useful for decision making in Greenland, including those by the Self Government. The results will be presented on a workshop organized together with the Self Government at Katuaq in Nuuk in November 2015.
Funding: DANCEA / Danish Energy Agency and VEK / Greenland Ministry of Nature, Environment and Justice
Period: Jan 1, 2015 – Dec 31, 2015
Collaborators: Government of Greenland, Ministry of Nature, Environment and Justice; Asiaq
Participants from DMI: Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Ruth Mottram, Fredrik Boberg, Martin Stendel and Peter L. Langen
Defrost (Link:
Project aims: The aim of DEFROST (Impact of a changing cryosphere - Depicting ecosystem-climate feedbacks from permafrost, snow and ice) is to understand how climate change induced changes in the cryosphere influence the ecosystem/geosphere processes which directly affect climate. We will focus on key terrestrial, lacustrine and marine cryospheric components that have the potential for giving rise to substantial changes in climate feedback mechanisms both in terms of surface-atmosphere energy exchange and exchanges of greenhouse gases. DEFROST seeks to bridge existing gaps between climate modeling, cryospheric science, and Arctic ecosystem science.
DMI’s role: Improved parameterisation of permafrost, snow and ice related processes is being incorporated in the existing Regional Climate Models RCA (Sweden), HIRHAM (Denmark) and later in HARMONIE (International). The impact on changes in regional cryospheric/climate scenarios is investigated, beneficial also to the DEFROST user community and in terms of impacts and adaptation, by a provision of more elaborated regional scenarios. A novel element is the implementation of a sub-sea permafrost model in the HIRHAM-HYCOM coupled system for the Arctic based on the GIPL permafrost model develop in UAF in Alaska
Funding: Nordic Top-level Research Initiative (TRI)
Period: Sept. 1 2010 – Aug. 31, 2015.
Collaborators: Lund University, University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland, Stockholm University, The University Centre in Svalbard, UNIS, Swedish Meterorological and Hydrological Institute, AarhusUniversity Denmark, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Danish Meteorological Institute
Participants from DMI: Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Martin Stendel, Christian Rodehacke Peter Langen and Martin Olesen
ECONADAPT: The economics of climate change adaptation (Link: english (external))
Project aims: The aim of ECONADAPT is to provide user-orientated methodologies and evidence related to economic appraisal criteria to inform the choice of climate change adaptation actions using analysis that incorporates cross-scale governance under conditions of uncertainty. A critical theme of the proposal is therefore to support the application of adaptation economics in the period following the publication of the EU's 2013 Adaptation Strategy, focusing on key decision areas that need enhanced economic information, and on the key users of such information.
DMI's role: In collaboration with the University of East Anglia, DMI is responsible for providing factual information of expected meteorological climate change for a range of impact models, e.g. hydrological models related to fluvial flooding. We deliver data from regional climate models, mainly from the CORDEX project, and assist in taking advantage of these models, particularly with respect to uncertainty.
Funding: ECONADAPT is funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme - FP7 (P7-ENV-2013-two-stage) under Grant Agreement 603906.
Period: Oct. 2013 - Sep. 2016.
Collaborators: University of Bath (United Kingdom), Coordinator Ecologic Institut (Germany), BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change (Spain), Internationales Institu Für Angewandte Systemanalyse (Austria), Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (Sweden), Stichting VU-VUMC (Netherlands), Potsdam Institu Für Klimafolgenforschung (Germany), Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici (Italy), Wageningen University (Netherlands), University of East Anglia (United Kingdom), Paul Watkiss Associates (United Kingdom), Univerzita Karlova V Praze (Czech Republic) and JRC - Joint Research Centre (Belgium).
Participants from DMI: Ole Bøssing Christensen and Cathrine Fox Maule
Project aims: Efficiensea2 aims at providing a communication frame work - the "Maritime Cloud" which will enhance information sharing in and around the maritime sector for smarter offshore traffic management. This will be used to improve e-navigation which will benefit safety, emissions, delays etc.
DMI's role: DMI will provide and develope the met-ocean data for Arctic and Baltic seas. This includes ice charts, ice bergs and forecast of a variety of ice/ocean parameters. The data will be included into the maritime cloud.

Funding: EU
Period: May 2015 - 2018
Collaborators: The project leader is the Danish Maratime Agency (DMA). In total the number of collaborators are 32.
Participants from DMI: Jun She, Till Andreas Soya Rasmussen, Jens Murawski, Jacob Woge, Keld Q. Hansen and Jørgen Buus-Hinkler.
EnviroChemistry on ECMWF: Enviro-HIRLAM / HARMONIE - Development and Test of an NWP Model System Accounting for Aerosol-Meteorology Interactions (Link: english (external))
Project aims: evaluation and testing of the online integrated Enviro-HIRLAM / HARMONIE modelling systems and sensitivity analyses of feedback mechanisms for chemical weather forecasting and numerical weather prediction. Two main application areas of the integrated modelling to be considered: (i) improved numerical weather prediction with short-term feedbacks of aerosols and chemistry on meteorological variables, and (ii) improved chemical weather forecasting with online integrated meteorological forecast and two-way feedbacks between aerosols/chemistry and meteorology.
DMI’s role: improve, apply and evaluate online coupled Enviro-HIRLAM integrated model; sensitivity analyses of feedback mechanisms

Funding: ECMWF High Performance Computing Project
Period: 1 Apr 2012 – 31 Dec 2014
Collaborators: coordinator - Prof. Alexander Baklanov - Danish Meteorological Institute, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), and PhD and MSc students involved into Enviro-HIRLAM/ HARMONIE research and development tasks.
Participants from DMI: Alexander Baklanov, Ulrik Korsholm, Xiaohua Yang, Ashraf Zakey, Kristian Pagh Nielsen and Alexander Mahura
eSACP (Statistical Analysis of Climate Projections)
Project aims: To create software tools for assessing impacts of climate change at the regional, Nordic, level. The motivation is society's growing recognition that forecasts of future climate change is associated with various sources of uncertainty and that any long-term planning and decision-making dependent on a changing climate must account for this. The eSACP project develops a generic eScience tool that allows decision-makers and scientists from all fields to properly account for the inherent uncertainty when performing climate impact analyses and developing adaptation strategies. the new tool includes functionality to utilize the extensive and dynamically growing repositories of data, state-of-the-art statistical techniques to quantify the uncertainty. The tool incorporates innovative approaches to result visualization. This tool will not only be valuable for future assessments but will also assist the scientific community in making more clearly its case on the consequences of our changing climate to policy makers and the general public.
DMI's role: To provide RCM and GCM data for the tools, and interface with stakeholders nationally.

Funding: nordForsk - 700 kNOK.
Period: 2015 - 2018.
Collaborators: DMI, DTU, Norsk Rejnesentral (project PI), University of Oslo, FMI and the Bjerknes Centre.
Participants from DMI: Cathrine Fox Maule and Peter Thejll, Climate and Arctic Research.
ESCAPE: Energy-efficient SCalable Algorithms for Weather Prediction at Exascale
Project aims: The overall objective of the ESCAPE project is to achieve world-class, extreme-scale computing capabilities for European operational numerical weather prediction (NWP). The project is lead by ECMWF.
DMI's role: Code optimization, multigrid option for radiation and dissemination activities.

Funding: EU-Horizon2020
Period: 1. Okt. 2015 - 30. Sep. 2018.
Collaborators: ECMWF
Participants from DMI: Bent Hansen Sass, Kristian Pagh Nielsen, Jacob Weismann Poulsen, Per Berg and Alexander Mahura
eSTICC: eScience Tools for Investigating Climate Change at High Northern Latitudes (Link: english (external))
Project aims: The overarching goal of eSTICC is a more accurate description of the high-latitude feedback processes in the climate system via further development of the eScience tools of the climate research community. It brings together climate researchers and scientific computing experts in Nordic countries to develop eScience tools needed for more efficient use of experimental and model data, and to improve the computational efficiency and coding standards of ESMs and of the tools used for inverse modeling of emission fluxes.
DMI’s role: DMI will work on improving the interface to the model data archive (CORDEX/ENSEMBLE), improving representation of ice sheets and their surface mass balance in ESM-Ice Sheet Model coupling system, improving the performance of the ESM (i.e., EC-EARTH) for carrying out extended long (millennial time-scale) experiments.
Funding: Nordic Top-level Research Initiative (TRI)
Period: Jan. 1, 2014 – Dec. 31, 2018
Collaborators: eSTICC is led by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), and gathers 13 research groups from the Nordic countries working in the fields of climate research and/or eScience, including the most prolific groups from the existing Nordic Centers of Excellence CRAICC, DEFROST and SVALI.
Participants from DMI: Shuting Yang, Christian Rodehacke and Jens H. Christensen
eSurge (Link:
Project aims: To increase the use of satellite observations for storm surge applications. The project is assessing ocean model nowcasting and forecasting skills for storm surges in a test area (the North Sea and Baltic Sea) by combining a number of real time data sets, such as altimeter data and tide gauge data, with ocean forecast models to provide best estimates using data-assimilation techniques and best forecasts.
DMI’s role: DMI has developed a new method of blending sea level observations from altimetry and tide gauges. This combines the high temporal resolution and real-time availability of tide gauges with the spatial cover of satellite altimetry, providing a nowcast of sea level based on observations. This product is then assimilated into DMI's ocean model covering the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The model nowcast and forecast skills of the assimilated runs are compared to the non-assimilated runs. The impact of the assimilation will be assessed and disseminated in a report.

Funding: ESA
Period: May 1st, 2011 - Aug. 1st, 2014
Collaborators: CGI, NOC, DMI, CMRC and KNMI
Participants from DMI: Jacob L. Høyer, Vibeke Huess, Kristine S. Madsen and Ole Krarup Leth. Weiwei Fu involved until Jan. 1st, 2014. Lars Jonasson involved until June 1st, 2014.
EUCISE2020 - ΕU Common Information Sharing Environment 2020
Project aims: EU CISE 2020 aims to be a significant step forward along the accomplishment of the European roadmap for CISE (Common Information Sharing Environment). Under the guidance of a Stakeholder Board, EU CISE 2020 partners will manage in parallel the elaboration of the action plan for the operational validation of new elements of R&D needed to develop CISE by in the 3 out of the 4 inter-operability layers of the European Interoperability Framework: technical. Semantic, organizational, the development of an open European test bed for incremental advancement of CISE in the medium-long term, the independent Verification & Validation of the new elements of R&D, as well as the assessment of organizational instruments necessary to sustain the appropriate governance structure and to stimulate public-private cooperation.
DMI's role: Based on Copernicus Marine Service products and DMI's own operational products and R&D activities, DMI will provide innovative value-added METOC products for the maritime surveillance. There are potentials to develop ensemble forecasting and pan-European forecast products under the project framework.
Funding: EUCISE2020 is a FP7 project with a total budget of 12 million euro.
Period: December 1st, 2014 - June 30th, 2017.
Collaborators: SAI, Mecator-Ocean, INGV, NERSC, UoC and Member State responsibles for marine securities.
Participants from DMI: Jun She project leader. Jacob Woge Nielsen, Jens Murawski and Per Berg.
EUCLEIA: European climate and weather events: Interpretation and attribution (link: english (external))
Project aims: Climate change is expected to impact extreme weather in Europe. There is therefore a clear need to adapt effectively to climate change, particularly in Europe, where recent heatwaves, floods and droughts have demonstrated the vulnerability of European citizens to extreme weather. However, scientifically robust information about the extent to which recent extreme weather can be linked to climate variability and change is often lacking. EUCLEIA will provide well verified assessments of the extent to which such weather-related risks have changed due to human influences on climate and identify those types of weather events where the science is still too uncertain to make a robust assessment of attributable risk.
DMI’s role: Identify key-processes related to sea-ice extent and the stratospheric vortex driving extreme events in particular cold spells.
Funding: FP7-SPACE-2013-1
Period: Jan 2014 - Dec 2016
Collaborators: CNRS (FR), Danish Meteorological Institute (DK), Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (CH), Fundacio Institut Catala De Ciencies Del Clima (ES), Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (NL), Met Office, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research (GB), The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford (GB), Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines (FR), University of Edinburgh (GB), University of Reading (GB)
Participants from DMI: Bo Christiansen and Shuting Yang
EuMetChem COST Action ES1004: European Framework for Online Integrated Air Quality and Meteorology Modelling (link: english (external))
Project aims: Focus on a new generation of online integrated Atmospheric Chemical Transport and Meteorology (Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate) modelling with two-way interactions between different atmospheric processes including chemistry (both gases and aerosols), clouds, radiation, boundary layer, emissions, meteorology and climate. Two application areas of the integrated modelling are planned to be considered: (i) improved numerical weather prediction and chemical weather forecasting with short-term feedbacks of aerosols and chemistry on meteorological variables, and (ii) two-way interactions between atmospheric pollution/ composition and climate variability/ change. Establishment of such a European framework (involving also key American experts) will enable the EU to develop world class capabilities in integrated ACT/NWP-Climate modelling systems, including research, education and forecasting.
DMI’s role: Leading EuMetChem COST Action; Core Group and Management Committee Meetings; contributions to WG1 “Strategy and framework for online integrated modelling”, WG2 “Interactions, parameterizations and feedback mechanisms”, WG3 “Chemical data assimilation in integrated model”, WG4 “Evaluation, validation and applications” with Enviro-HIRLAM online integrated meteorology-chemistry model research and development results; organization of young scientist summer school on integrated modelling (Jul 2014, Aveiro, Portugal); hosting short-term scientific missions for young scientists.

Funding: EU Coordination Action; total budget – 600 KEu
Period: 1 Apr 2011 – 1 Mar 2015
Collaborators: Coordinator – Prof. Alexander Baklanov (DMI); COST EU 23 participants (Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK), COST neighboring countries (Ukraine, Russia, Egypt), international partners (USA, Brazil), and international organizations (JRC, ECMWF, EEA)
Participants from DMI: Alexander Baklanov, Alexander Mahura, Ulrik Korsholm, Ashraf Zakey and Roman Nuterman
Project aims: Forecasting air traffic management (ATM) related risks for EUROCONTROL
DMI’s role: Development of meteorological models of relevance to ATM and operational execution of an ensemble system for Europe coupled with downstream ATM risk model. Communication of ATM risks to EUROCONTROL.
Period: 2013-2015
Collaborators: Metron Aviation
Participants from DMI: Henrik Feddersen, Ulrik Smith Korsholm and Bent Hansen Sass
Project aims: The project addresses real-time forecasting of atmospheric dispersion and deposition of radionuclides released from a nuclear installation taking into account the meteorological uncertainties. The objective of the study is to apply the MUD methodology to a realistic setting of the Fukushima accident, and to investigate the implications of the uncertainty estimates for the emergency management.
DMI’s role: Coordination and ensemble-statistical application of the DERMA dispersion model.
Funding: Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS)
Period: 2014-2016
Collaborators: DMI, MET Norway, DEMA, SSM.
Participants from DMI: Jens Havskov Sørensen (coordinator), Henrik Feddersen, Ulrik Smith Korsholm and Bjarne Amstrup
Project aims: The aim of FloeEdge is to deliver sea ice information to the local community of Qaanaaq.
DMI's role: provide contact to the local community.
Funding: EU Copernicus (via PolarView Earth Observation)
Period: Dec 2017 - Dec. 2018.
Collaborators: Polarview, C-Core
Participants from DMI: Till Rasmussen, Matilde Brandt Kreiner
Globtemperature (Link:
Project aims: DMI will perform a user case study where satellite ice surface temperature will be assimilated into the HYCOM model to assess the improvements of using satellite Ice Surface Temperature (IST) observations.
DMI’s role: DMI will perform a user case study where gridded and merged satellite ice surface temperature (IST) will be developed and assimilated into the HYCOM-CICE model. The experiments will be validated to assess the improvements of using satellite IST observations.

Funding: ESA/ESRIN
Period: Jan. 1st, 2014 - Dec. 31th, 2017
Collaborators: University of Leicester, University of Reading, Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA), Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research - Atmospheric Trace Gases and Remote Sensing KIT, ACRI-ST, UK Metoffice, Estellus and University of Copenhagen.
Participants from DMI: Jacob L. Høyer project leader
Project aims: GMES-PURE project defines and implements a transparent process for user involvement in the definition of long-term requirements for the Copernicus Marine and Atmosphere Services. The process covers the definition of user requirements, but also the derivation of service specifications, service data requirements and technical requirements on the observation infrastructure.
The project is based on a user-driven method, which consists of two main features:
1. continuous and broad user involvement, and
2. consensus seeking at all stages.
The process was successfully applied by EUMETSAT to its future satellite programmes, and an extension is sought to address the additional complexity of the Copernicus Marine and Atmospheric user communities.
The project will further develop the results of the previously organized EC user consultation meetings for the GMES M&A Services (GMES Implementation Groups, etc.). In particular, these results will be further consolidated through specific user workshops and domain expert reviews, for the EC final approval involving the GMES User Forum.
The project is led by EUMETSAT, providing project coordination and the process for requirements engineering from the identification of needs to the requirement validation.
DMI’s role: DMI works on the service gap analysis and service data specification. In the service gap analysis, DMI will compare the user requirement documents for Copernicus Marine Service and MyOcean2 Service catalogue, to identify gaps in mid- and long-term on parameters, resolution, temporal and spatial scales and quality etc. Based on gap analysis, more detailed service data requirements will be specified and documented.

Funding: GMES-PURE is a FP7 project with about 2 million euro funding from EC.
Period: July 1st, 2013 - December 31th, 2014
Collaborators: EUMETSAT, EuroGOOS, SMHI, FMI etc.
Participants from DMI: Jun She project leader. Ole Krarup
GREENICE: Impacts of Sea-Ice and Snow-Cover Changes on Climate, Green Growth and Society (Link: english (external))
Project aims: The main goal of GREENICE is to reduce uncertainties in the interaction among climate, society, and the cryosphere over the next decades, focusing on understanding how climate will respond to future changes in sea ice and snow cover. By means of a thorough analysis of observations and coordinated experiments with global and regional atmospheric models, GREENICE will improve the understanding of the atmospheric response to sea-ice and snow-cover changes and our ability to predict both anthropogenic and naturally-driven changes on 10-30 year timescales.
DMI’s role: DMI’s contribution to the project is investigate and modelling the response of the atmospheric circulation to changes in sea ice and snow covers using global climate model EC-EARTH.
Funding: Nordic Top-level Research Initiative (TRI)
Period: Feb. 1 2014 – Jan. 31, 2017
Collaborators: GREENICE team consists of 9 research groups from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Russia, led by the University of Bergen.
Participants from DMI: Shuting Yang and Bo Christiansen
Project aims: GUDP-VIND (Dynamiske brugerstyrede havkort til værdiløft af dansk industrifiskeri) is a Danish development and demonstration project. It aims to provide an operational service for industrial fishery through integrating existing operational weather and oceanographic service at DMI with monitoring activities in research institutes such as DTU-Aqua and fishery associations (five fishery vessels will provide in-situ measurements of zooplankton and fish catch).
DMI's role: DMI is a product generator and provider as well as a developer together with DTU-Aqua to improve the products especially the biogeochemical products through data assimilation to generate and provide operational products needed for the fishery service. DMI will provide operational analysis/forecast products in the North Sea on surface weather, waves, 3D ocean and biogeochemical states. DMI will also develop value-added products together with DTU-Aqua.

Funding: GUDP-VIND is funded by Danish Ministry of Food, Land-use and Fishery with 19 million DKK project budget.
Period: January 1st, 2015 - June 30th, 2018.
Collaborators: DTU-Aqua, AnchorLab, DFPO, DPPO.
Participants from DMI: Jun She project leader, Jacob Woge and Zhenwen Wan.
Project aims: HIRLAM (HIgh Resolution Limited Area Model) is a research cooperation of 10 European meteorological institutes, with the aim to develop and maintain a numerical short-range weather forecasting system for operational use by the participating meteorological institutes. HIRLAM-collaboration was initiated in 1985 at DMI and has gone through numerous phases in the past two decades. Since 1 January 2011, the programme entered a phase, HIRLAM-B, with the focus to develop and maintain the non-hydrostatic convection permitting model HARMONIE suitable for kilometer-scale weather focus with particular focus on extreme weather and on probabilistic forecast- HARMONIE is being developed in close cooperation with the ALADIN consortium (lead by Météo-France), as well as European Center for Medium Weather Forecast (ECMWF).
DMI's role: DMI staffs has been active players in the HIRLAM cooperation throughout all phases of the programme. Each year DMI contributes with an equivalent of 40 person-month on activities coordinated by the HIRLAM programme, mainly on probabilistic forecast, data assimilation, physical parameterisation, system and application and programme management. Since March 2014, DMI has been acting as a RCR (Regular Cycle of Reference HARMONIE) center with a HARMONIE-model for Denmark and neighbouring area.
Funding: DMI as member service contribute to HIRLAM-B with agreed share of work amount as specified in the HIRLAM-B workplan. The work as project leader is funded by the HIRLAM-B programme, which in turn is funded by the annual membership fee by all participating member services.
Period: Jan 2011-Dec 2015.
Collaborators: member services and associate partners of the HIRLAM-consortia; member services of ALADIN consortia; ECMWF, Copenhagen University.
Participants from DMI: Xiaohua Yang, Mats Dahlbom, Bjarne Stig Andersen, Ulrik Korsholm, Kai Sattler, Kristian Nielsen, Niels Woetman Nielsen, Shiyu Zhuang and Alexander Mahura
Project aims: The main objective of the HRWS project is to evaluate existing and demonstrate two potential new Sentinel-1 operation modes according to the HRWS (High Resolution Wide Swath) SAR operational specifications. The new modes are the full polarimetry and the wide swath and high resolution mode. Both new capabilities will be in addition to the current operation mode available at an HRWS system. With the new operation mode concept, all GMES services will profit with an improvement of the product quality, and new innovative application can be added into the list.
DMI’s role: DMI's role is to provide input and evaluate results of the demonstrations with respect to sea-ice applications.
Funding: ESA
Period: April 1st, 2014 - December 31th, 2015
Collaborators: DLR, DTU, Astrium,
Participants from DMI: Leif T. Pedersen, project participant
HydroCast – Hydrological Forecasting and Data Assimilation: (Link: english (external))
Project aims: HydroCast is a joint research project undertaken by a project team of fifteen research scientists, three PhD students and three end-users across ten institutions. In the HydroCast project new forecasting and data assimilation tools are developed and tested that combine different on-line data sources with meteorological and hydrological modelling for provision of probabilistic hydrological forecasts, covering short-range, medium-range and seasonal forecasting. The tools are tested on three test cases but they will be generic and applicable in a wide range of cases.
DMI’s role: DMI is involved in two work packages and a test study. In the first work package a quantitative precipitation forecast system that combines weather radar and high-resolution short-range NWP modelling is developed. Assimilation of weather radar is based on a nudging scheme that is implemented in the NWP model. The project will develop more effective quality control algorithms for state-of-the-art dual polarisation radars. In particular, major improvement is expected in identifying and removing false echoes in the weather radar data. In the second work package DMI contributes to probabilistic precipitation forecasts using DMI’s atmospheric ensemble prediction system for precipitation. DMI’s forecasts are used in a test study for an area around the new Silkeborg highway.
Funding: Danish council for strategic research
Period: January 2012 – December 2015
Collaborators:Danish Hydrological Institute, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, DMI, Aalborg University, ECMWF, Delft University, Danish Road Directorate, Knowledge Centre for Agriculture, Danish Nature Agency
Participants from DMI: Bent Hansen Sass, Rashpal Gill, Thomas Bøvith, Claus Petersen and Henrik Feddersen
IASI IST - Ice Surface Temperature from Metop Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer
Project aims: The aim of the study is firstly to compile an inventory and assessment of in situ datasets relevant for the validation of Ice Surface Temperature (IST) from IASI with a primary focus in the Arctic. Secondly, evaluation and validation of the existing sea-ice surface temperature from the EUMETSAT IASI Level-2 product. Finally, the study will address a secondary validation of the ice surface temperatures over land surfaces from IASI.
DMI's role: DMI is the sole project contractor and hence, DMI will do the work in close collaboration with EUMETSAT project team.
Period: August 1st. 2016 - March 1st. 2017.
Collaborators: EUMETSAT
Participants from DMI: Gorm Dybkjær, Inge Sandholt, Jacob L. Høyer, Jörg Steinwagner, Rasmus Tonboe
ICE-ARC (Link:
Project aims: The ICE-ARC project aims to understand and quantify the multiple stresses involved in the change in the Arctic marine environment. Particular focus is on the rapid retreat and collapse of the Arctic sea ice cover and to assess the climatic (ice, ocean, atmosphere and ecosystem), economic and social impacts of these stresses on regional and global scales.
DMI’s role: Ocean processes: ocean mixing and stratification, freshwater fluxes and fjord processes. Ice mass balance buoys for dynamics and thermodynamics, sea ice multisensory monitoring.

Funding: EU - FP7-ENV-2013
Period: January 1st, 2014 - December 31th, 2017
Collaborators: 20+, see homepage
Participants from DMI: Steffen M. Olsen project leader. Gorm Dybkjær, Leif T. Pedersen and Rasmus Tonboe
Project aims: ICEMAR will establish a pilot service delivering sea ice information products directly to ships navigating near or in ice-infested waters in the European Arctic and Baltic Sea.
The overall objective of the ICEMAR project is to establish a pilot down-stream GMES sea ice information service to improve access to existing and new ice information products to aid ships navigating near or within ice-infested waters in the European Arctic (primarily the Greenland and Barents Seas) and the Baltic Sea.
DMI’s role: Consultants on ice information services and supplier of digital ice charts and satellite images.

Funding: EU FP7
Period: Dec, 22th, 2010 - Dec. 22, 2014
Collaborators: KSAT,, SMHI, FMI, BAS, KMA, BSH, VTT, NERSC, Astrium
Participants from DMI: Leif T. Pedersen project leader
Ice-nucleating bacteria
Project aims: This phd study investigates the sensitivity of cloud ice production in an NWP model to changes in bacterial ice nucleators and thereby develops a new parameterization of ice probability for usage in NWP models.
DMI’s role: Supervision and model development.
Funding: Aarhus University
Period: 2011- 2014
Collaborators: University of Aarhus; TROPOS: Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research
Participants from DMI: Ulrik Smith Korsholm, Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Jens Havskov Sørensen and Maher Sahyoun
ice2ice (Link: coming up. See introduction video)
Project aims: ice2ice is the first concerted effort to the tackle question of the cause and future implications of past abrupt climate change in Greenland, the main hypothesis being that the Arctic and sub-Arctic sea ice cover excerts important controls on past and future Greenland temperature and ice sheet variations. In ice2ice this will be done by:
- describing the nature, timing and wxtent of abrupt events across climate archives,
- resolving mechanisms behind the sudden demise of sea ice cover,
- identifying the risk that the ongoing rapid diminution of Arctic sea ice cover could give abrupt GIS changes in the future,
- determining the impacts of such changes for the GIS and Arctic and global climate.
DMI's role: To further develop and apply global and regional Earth system models to be able to conduct experiments addressing the central question of the project. This involves, high resolution atmosphere modeling, a coupled high resolution regional climate model for the Arctic and using the global EC-Earth model. In most cases with an interactive ice sheet model (PISM) being part of the system. 3 PhD positions will form a central contribution to the project, but substantial funding is allocated to permanent staff at DMI.

Funding: EU-FP7; ERC-Synergy grant
Period: August 1st, 2014 - July 31st, 2019
Collaborators: 4 teams lead by Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, DMI: Eystein Jansen, the Bjerknes Center, University of Bergen (UiB); Kerim Nicancioglu, Department of Earth Science, UiB, and Bo M. Vinther at Niels Bohr Institute, the University of Copenhagen. ERC-Synergy project does not have a formal coordinator, but Jansen is the contact person to EU.
Participants from DMI: Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen (PI and grant holder at DMI), Martin Stendel, Ruth Mottram, Christian Rodehacke, Peter Langen and Shuting Yang.
IEA-PVPS 2018 (EUDP 17-II: IEA PVPS Task 16 Solar resource for high penetration)
Project aims:
DMI's role:
Funding: EUDP
Period: Jan. 2018 - Dec. 2020.
Collaborators: DTU (Coordinator)
Participants from DMI: Kristian Pagh Nielsen
IEA SHC Task 46: Solar Resource Assessment and Forecasting: (Link:
Project aims: Advanced solar resource assessment and forecasting is essential for optimal use of all forms of solar energy. The project is the Danish contribution to IEA SHC Task 46 and includes historical and new measurement of solar irradiances and state-of-the the NWP modelling.
DMI’s role: Project management (Kristian Pagh Nielsen); NWP forecasting; responsible for the work with improving IEA standards for TMYs; analysis of the directional radiance distribution measured at DTU; and theoretical calculations of spectral irradiances. DMI also performs pilot testing of equipment for measuring the diffuse and direct components of solar irradiance.
Funding: DMI is supported with EUDP grants from the Danish Energy Agency.
Period: 2012-10 to 2016-12
Collaborators: DTU Civil Engineering.
Participants from DMI: Kristian Pagh Nielsen, Peter Thejll, Klavs Allerslev Jensen and Claus Petersen
INTAROS (Integrated Arctic Observation System)
Project aims: The overall objective of INTAROS is to develop an integrated Arctic Observation System (iAOS) by extending, improving and unifying existing systems in the different regions of the Arctic. INTAROS will have a strong multidisciplinary focus, with tools for integration of data from atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and terrestrial sciences, provided by institutions in Europe, North America and Asia.
INTAROS is a research and innovation action under the H2020-BG-09 call in 2016.
DMI's role: DMI will generate HYCOM-CICE model data for the Disko Bay-Baffin Bay area. The physical data will be used to force the offline Flexsem model system at Aarhus University.

Funding: Sub-contract to Aarhus University
Period: 2017 - 2018.
Collaborators: Aarhus University
Participants from DMI: Kristine S. Madsen, Mads H. Ribergaard, Till Rasmussen
IMPRESSIONS - Impacts and risks from high-end scenarios: strategies for innovative solutions (link: english (external))
Project aims: IMPRESSIONS aims to advance understanding of the consequences of high-end climate and socioeconomic scenarios on local, regional as well as global scale and to evaluate how such information can be embedded within effective and integrated adaptation and mitigation decision-making processes.
DMI's role: DMI is providing tailored climate scenario data as well as guidance on the use of climate data for various types of impact assessments.

Funding: EU FP7
Period: Nov. 2013 - Oct. 2018.
Collaborators: Consortium of 24 partners from 16 countries, coordination by Dr. Paula Harrison, Lancaster Environment Centre.
Participants from DMI: Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Marianne Sloth Madsen, Cathrine Fox Maule
IMPACT2C: Quantifying projected impacts under 2°C warming (link: external)
Project aims: IMPACT2C will identify and quantify the impacts and most appropriate response strategies of a 2°C global warming for Europe and three selected vulnerable regions in other parts of the world being Africa, Bangladesh and the Maldives. IMPACT2C will provide detailed ensemble based climate change scenarios, plus statistics and derived indices, tailored to the needs of various sectors, for the time slice in which the global temperature is simulated to be 2°C above pre industrial levels. In addition IMPACT2C will provide a detailed assessment of risks, vulnerabilities, impacts and associated costs for a broad range of sectors against the background of socio economic scenarios consistent with development paths aimed at limiting global warming to 2°C. Finally IMPACT2C will develop an optimal mix of response strategies (technological, governance, capacity building) accounting for the regional differences in adaptive capacities, distinguishing between those that can be accommodated autonomously and those that require additional policy interventions.
DMI's role: DMI is to provide dynamical downscaling's of EC-Earth using the regional climate model HIRHAM5 for both Africa and Europe, and investigate methods for quantifying scenario uncertainty, model variability and model biases. In addition DMI hosts the project's data archive.
Funding: IMPACT2C is funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme - FP7 (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement No. 282746.
Period: Nov 2011 - Oct 2015.
Collaborators: Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum fur Material und Kustenforschung (Germany), Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (Germany), Uni Research (Norway), Meteorologisk Institutt (Norway), Sveriges Meteorologiske og Hydrologiske Institut (Sweden), Joint Research Centre (Belgium), Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, L'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile ENEA (Italy), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - IPSL (France), Meteo-France (France), Universitaet Graz (Austria), Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft (Austria), Internationales Institut Für Angewandte Systemanalyse IIASA (Austria), Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Institut (Netherlands), Wageningen University (Netherlands), Technical University of Crete (Greece), Paul Watkiss Associates LTD (United Kingdom), Universite de Lausanne (Switzerland), University of Southampton (United Kingdom), SEI Oxford Office Limited (United Kingdom), MetOffice (United Kingdom), Ministry of Housing and Environment (Maldives), Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies Association (Bangladesh), International Water Management Institute (Sri Lanka), Stichting Wetlands International (Netherlands), World Health Organization (Switzerland), Institute of Water Modelling (Bangladesh), African Centre of Meteorological Application Development ACMAD (Niger), European Climate Forum (Gernmany).
Participants from DMI: Ole Bøssing Christensen and Cathine Fox Maule.
IS-ENES2: Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling - Phase 2 (Link: english (external))
Project aims: IS-ENES2 is the second phase project of the distributed e-infrastructure of models, model data and metadata of the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES). This network gathers together the European modelling community working on understanding and predicting climate variability and change. IS-ENES2 combines expertise in climate modelling, computational science, data management and climate impacts. IS-ENES2 supports the ENES portal on which more information on community, services, models, data and computing can be found.
DMI's role: The role of DMI consists mainly in distributing data from the CORDEX project through acting as an ESGF datanode accesible for instance from We have developed and maintain a server at and receive regional climate model data from other institutions who do not have their own ESGF server. We have also, funded by this project, taken part in the preliminary definitions necessary to join CORDEX to the existing ESGF framework for CMIP5 global model data.
Funding: IS-ENES2 is funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme - FP7 (FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2012-1) under Grant Agreement 312979.
Period: April 2013 - March 2017.
Collaborators: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS-IPSL (France), Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum, DKRZ (Germany), Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique, CERFACS (France), Centro Euro-Meditteraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici, CMCC (Italy), The University of Reading (United Kingdom), The Met Office (United Kingdom), Science and Technology Facilities Council, STFC (United Kingdom), Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut, SMHI (Sweden), Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut, KNMI (Netherlands), Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften MPG/MPI-Met (Germany), Climate System Analysis Group, University of Cape Town, CSAG (South Africa), University of Manchester (United Kingdom), Institutul National de Hidroligie si Gospodarire a Apelor, INHGA (Romania), Wageningen Universiteit (Netherlands), Linköpings Universitet, LIU (Sweden), Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, BSC (Spain), Universidad de Cantabria (Spain), Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt in der Helmholtz Gemeinschaft, DLR (Germany), Fundacio Institut Catala de Ciencies del Clima, IC3 (Spain), Météo France - Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, MF-CNRM (France), Universitetet i Bergen, UiB (Norway) and Meteorologisk Institutt, METNO (Norway).
Participants from DMI: Ole Bøssing Christensen and Erik Wienberg.
Jerico (Link:
Project aims: The project is aiming at providing a reliable valuation to the existing monitoring and observational systems for the European seas. The project is also purposed to form scientific guidance to optimize the existing monitoring and observational systems and to design additional new systems.
DMI’s role: DMI’s role: DMI is responsible for the Baltic Sea. We use data assimilation to evaluate how much the observational systems of T-S profiles and SST can improve the model products. We also evaluate how the new observational system of gliders should be applied in the Baltic Sea.
Funding: EU FP 7 - Integrating Activities (IA)
Period: Jan. 1st, 2011 - Dec. 31th, 2014
Collaborators: SYKE
Participants from DMI: Jun She and Zhenwen Wan
KLIMAKS (Klimafremskrivning af målt nedbør til afløbsteknisk anvendelse)
Project aims: 1. udvikling og validering af metode til klimafremskrivning af dynamisk regn før Danmark; 2. udarbejdelse af katalog med historiske og klimafremskrevne dimensionerings- og analysehændelser baseret på vejrradar- og regnmålerdata; 3. beregning af klimaparametre for udvalgte klimascenarier og tidhorisonter; 4. demonstration og konsekvensberegning af de under pkt. 1, 2 og 3 udviklede metoder i modelbaseret analyse af regnvandssystemers serviceniveau samt klimatilpasning.
DMI's role: Beregning af klimaparametre for udvalgte klimascenarier og tidhorisonter (using available high-resolution climate model runs within CORDEX (EUR-11)
Funding: VUDP (Danva)
Period: 2017 - 2020.
Collaborators: Aarhus Vand (AAV), Aalborg Univesitet (AAU), NIRAS
Participants from DMI: Fredrik Boberg
FP7 MarcoPolo: Monitoring and Assessment of Regional air quality in China using space Observations, Project Of Long-term sino-european co-Operation: (Link (external))
Project aims: Using European and Chinese expertise to improve air quality monitoring, modelling and forecasting over China by improving emission database using satellite data with a focus on emission estimates from space and their refinement for anthropogenic and biogenic sources through spatial downscaling and source sector apportionment. State-of-the-art techniques and recent wide range satellite and in-situ data and GIS information will be applied. New emission inventories will serve as input to air quality modelling on regional and urban scales, and it is expected to improve considerably existing air quality information and forecasts (to be supported by validation and following international standards and recommendations) interactively customized at MarcoPolo website.
DMI’s role: Leading WP5 “Air Quality Modelling an Forecasting”; and contribute to Enviro-HIRLAM modelling of atmospheric pollution from urban to city-scale for selected metropolitan areas in China; validation model results using satellite remote-sensing data; study relationship between air pollution and meteorology/ climate and aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions; evaluation of urban pollution and effects of megacities on the environment (linking with FP7 MEGAPOLI project outcomes); consulting/co-advising PhD students involved into research and application of Enviro-HIRLAM for China.
Funding: EU FP7 – Collaborative Project; total budget – 2.9 MEu (DMI - 213 KEu)
Period: 1 Jan 2014 – 31 Dec 2016
Collaborators: 15 partners from 8 countries: Royal Netherlands Meteorological (Coordinator – Dr. Ronald van der A; The Netherlands), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Danish Meteorological Institute, Democritus University of Thrace (Greece), Finnish Meteorological Institute, Flemish Institute for Technological Research (Belgium), National Observatory Athens (Greece), Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, IsardSAT (Spain), London Metropolitan University (UK), Institute of Atmosphere Physics (China), Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences (China), Peking and Tsinghua Universities (China).
Participants from DMI: Alexander Mahura, Alexander Baklanov (on leave), (+Xiaohua Yang, Bjarne Amstrup)
Marine climate effects on primary production around the Faroe Islands
Project aims: To explore the hydrographical settings and especially the dynamics of the mixed layer (ML) around and on the Faroe shelf. Study the depth and timing of the ML and the relative role of tidal mixing, air-sea heat exchanges and horizontal advection.
DMI’s role: Supervisor of PhD student.
Funding: Faroese-Greenland project funded.
Period: March 1th, 2014 - April 1th, 2016.
Collaborators: Faroese Marine Institute.
Participants from DMI: Till Rasmussen project leader, Steffen M. Olsen
MESO (MEteorological uncertainty of ShOrt-range dispersion)
Project aims: As shown by the recently completed NKS-B projects MUD and FAUNA, the influence of meteorological uncertainties on long-range atmospheric dispersion calculations can be large, e.g. up to an order of magnitude depending on the weather situation, with significant implications for nuclear emergency preparedness and decision making. The question that the MESO project is going to answer is to what extent this also applies to short-range (mesoscale) dispersion models employed for nuclear emergency preparedness up to about two hundred kilometres from the source.
The assessment of such uncertainties is facilitated by recent developments in numerical weather prediction (NWP) modelling through the use of ensemble methodology. The computer resource demanding procedures are now being, or are planned to be, implemented at a number of national weather services. This development enables operational quantitative calculation of uncertainties of the concentration and deposition patterns from accidental releases of radionuclides to be used by nuclear decision-support systems (DSSs), which thereby provide a more comprehensive basis for the decision making.
Short-range atmospheric dispersion models differ from long-range models not only by the use of finer resolution terrain and land-use data, but also by the fact that short-range models may utilize weather radar data for simulation of wet deposition of radionuclides. Obviously, observational data, e.g. from radars, can be used for hindcasting, but these data, which are expected to represent the precipitation intensity more accurately than NWP model data, are useful for nuclear emergency preparedness in the period of time until radiological monitoring data have become available. However, there are a number of uncertainties associated with such use of weather radar data. These include the use of parameterization of the precipitation rate depending on the attenuation of the reflected radar signal, filtering of false radar echoes arising from e.g. clutter or flocks of birds, precipitation from low clouds not being registered by the radar beam, and precipitation evaporating before reaching ground. A new possobility is facilitated by the next-generation dual-pole Doppler radars, namely observed distinction between rain and snow which can have important consequences for short-range modelling since deposition of radionuclides differs substantially between rain and snow.
Thus, the MESO project has two work packages: one devoted to the study of uncertainties of short-range atmospheric dispersion forecasting involving the use of NWP model data only, the other focusing on hindcasting including the combined use of NWP model data and weather radar data.
DMI's role: Coordination, ensemble-statistical application of the RIMPUFF short-range dispersion model, generation of precipitation intensity from weather radar data and description og uncertainties and potential errors.
Funding: Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS)
Period: 2016 - 2017
Collaborators: DMI, DEMA, SSM, NRPA, DTU Nutech, DTU Wind Energy
Participants from DMI: Jens Havskov Sørensen (coordinator), Henrik Feddersen, Bjarne Amstrup, Rashpal Gill, Martin Sørensen, Thomas Bøvith
Project aims: The MetNet working group is created with the objective of improving co-operation between Members of NordMet in the area of nuclear emergency preparedness
DMI’s role: Coordination.
Funding: Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS)
Period: 2014-2016
Collaborators: DMI, IMO, MET Norway, SMHI, FMI.
Participants from DMI: Jens Havskov Sørensen (coordinator) and Bjarne Amstrup
MODEXTREME: Agriculture facing extreme climatic events (link: english (external))
Project aims: MODEXTREME has the overarching goal to help the European and non-European agriculture face extreme climatic events by improving the capability of biophysical models simulating vegetation responses to integrate climatic variability and extremes. MODEXTREME seeks to identify and integrate into simulation models the responses of main crop and grassland systems to environmental conditions associated with extreme climatic events. MODEXTREME will improve yield monitoring and forecasting systems via multiple observational constraints to be assimilated into process-based models across different climate conditions. MODEXTREME will also estimate possible trajectories of agricultural productivity in the short (during current season) to medium time horizons and associated uncertainties. This involves taking into account the genetic progress and its effects on responses to extreme environmental conditions.
DMI’s role: DMI is to provide relevant bias corrected regional climate model output for regions in five different continents. In addition DMI will produce recommendations and guidance on processing and using climate model output in crop modelling studies.
Funding: MODEXTREME is funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme – FP7 (KBBE.2013.1.4-09) under Grant Agreement No. 613817, 2013-2016.
Period: Nov 2013 – Oct 2016
Collaborators: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura, Universidad de Cordoba, Universita Degli Studi di Milano, Eidgenössisches Departement für Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung, University of East Anglia, Instituto Superiore da Agronomia, Democritus University of Thrace, Softeco Sismat SRL, INRA Transfert S.A., Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydrometeorological Institute, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, University of Pretoria, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning CAAS, Washington State University.
Participants from DMI: Ole Bøssing Christensen, Cathrine Fox Maule and Wilhelm May
Mona Lisa 2 (Link:
Project aims: MONALISA 2.0 is a concrete step in the process of further developing the Motorways of the Sea concept by implementing concrete pilot actions and studies that will foster deployment of new maritime services and processes.
DMI’s role: to develop and provide operational meteo-ocean forecast products and their uncertainties for e-navigation (e.g., route optimization) in European regional seas. Major challenges are to provide high quality and high resolution forecasts in pan-European Seas incl. all narrow straits linking the Seas as well as their uncertainty estimates. DMI's approach is to use a pan-European sea set up (with 10 two-way nested areas) of DMI ocean-ice model HBM to resolve the spatial resolution and coverage problem and to use ensemble method to resolve the uncertainty estimation issue. Both are frontier research in operational oceanography. The forecasting method and skills developed in MONALISA2.0 are also applicable in many other service areas.

Funding: co-financed by TEN-T under the Motorways of the Sea. The total budget of MONALISA 2.0 amounts 24 million Euros, and the implementation period of the project is 2013-2015.
Period: September 1st, 2013 - December 31th, 2015
Collaborators: The MONALISA 2.0 consortium consists of a large number of public, private and academic partners which together constitutes a balanced, relevant and competent partnership in order to implement the project in an efficient way.
Participants from DMI: Jun She project leader.
Monitoring the Ozone Layer and the Solar UV radiation in Greenland (link: danish (external))
Project aims: To continue the monitoring that was started in the early 90'es in order to fulfill the danish obligations to the "Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer". Part of the network for the Detection of Atmospheric Compostion Change (NDACC).
DMI’s role: To measure the Ozone Layer and the solar UV radiation at three locations in Greenland, at Thule/Pituffik, Scoresbysund/Ittoqqortoormiut and Sondre Stromfjord/Kangerlussuaq.

Funding: Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Danish Energy Agency, DMI.
Period: Jan 1st, 2014 – Dec 31st 2016
Participants from DMI: Paul Eriksen, Nis Jepsen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen and Niels Larsen
MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) (ESA) (
Project aims: MOSAiC-ekspeditionen er Tysklands bidrag til International Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP), og det største havis-eksperiment nogensinde. MOSAiC involverer ca. 17 lande og ca. 600 videnskabsfolk, ingeniører, teknikere etc. der løbende vil være ombord på R/V Polarstern. R/V Polarstern lader sig fryse inde i den Arktiske is og glide med denne mod syd langs Grønlands østkyst fra september 2019 til efteråret 2020. I den periode er R/V Polarstern et rejsende laboratorium og en kæmpe observationsplatform. Der vil blive taget et hav af forskellige målinger og observationer under isen, i isen, på isen og over isen med det formål at monitorerer det skrøbelig Arktiske klimasystem og økosystem under menneskabte klimaforandringer.
DMI's role: Som en del af MOSAiC vil DMI bl.a. blive indsamlet referencedata, som er direkte relevante for at udvikle fx strålingsmodeller (som fx DMI bruger når satellitdata i vejrmodeller for at forbedre vejrudsigter) og til at forstå effekten og betydningen af havisen i vores klimasystem. Ligeledes vil data indgå i udviklingen af klimamodeller, koblede oceanmodeller og havismodeller. Data vil bidrage til at forbedre produkterne i EUMETSAT’s OSISAF og ligeledes forbedre DMI’s havis-klimatidsserier.
Funding: DMI’s deltagelse støttes via bevillinger fra ESA og internt allokerede midler.
Period: Okt.2019 – Okt.2020.
Collaborators: AWI
Participants from DMI: Rasmus T. Tonboe
Project aims: Ensemble statistical methods will be developed for application to atmospheric dispersion scenarios involving hazardous pollutants, e.g. radioactivity from accidental releases to the atmosphere. Thereby, uncertainties of predicted concentration and deposition patterns can be derived enhancing the decision-support for the responsible authorities.
DMI’s role: Coordination and development of ensemble-statistical methodology.
Funding: Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS)
Period: 2012-2014
Collaborators: DMI, MET Norway, DEMA, SSM.
Participants from DMI: Jens Havskov Sørensen (coordinator), Henrik Feddersen, Ulrik Smith Korsholm and Bjarne Amstrup
MyOceanFO (Link:
Project aims: To deliver and operate a rigorous, robust and sustainable Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting system of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service to users for maritime safety, marine resources, marine and coastal environment and climate, seasonal and weather forecasting. It is a continuation of MyOcean 2.
DMI's role: DMI plays an active role in project management, operation, service and science. As part of MyOcean Board and Execom, DMI is involved in MyOceanFO technical and overall management. During the project period, DMI maintains the Version 4 System production and services for the Baltic MFC and SST/Sea Ice TAC to provide operational products of physical and biogeochemical forecast in the Baltic Sea and sea ice and iceberg products in the Arctic region with focus on Greenland waters. The next version (V5) systems of the Baltic MFC and SST/sea ice will be developed, calibrated and implemented furing the project period. Improvements are expected on data assimilation, ice model and biogeochemical model for the Baltic Sea and new sea ice and iceberg products with using Sentinel-1 data.
Project aims: The overriding objectives of NAACOS has been to develop and refine oceanographic models using remote sensing and observations to evaluate the impact of high latitude climate change on circulation, deep water formation, sea-ice and carbon flux and their implications at regional scales. To this end, this project is putting in place multi-disciplinary, knowledge-based tools and models that can reduce the uncertainty of and directly contribute to sound and robust policy strategies regarding the expected increase in maritime activities in northern seas.
DMI’s role: Climate modeling and process studies related to the ocean exchanges with the Arctic Mediterranean. Particular focus is on the Arctic Ocean freshwater and the arctic stratification. A separate task relate to deployment of ice mass balance boys.

Funding: The Danish Council for Strategic Research.
Period: December 1st, 2010 - December 31th, 2014.
Collaborators: DTU Aqua, Danish Meteorological Institute, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser - AU, KU Facuty of Science, DHI, Faroe Marine Research Institute, Scottish Association for Marine Science
Participants from DMI: Steffen M. Olsen project leader
Project aims: The North Atlantic Ocean is one of the most important drivers for the global ocean circulation and its variability on time scales beyond inter-annual. Global climate variability is to a large extent triggered by changes in the North Atlantic sea surface state. The quality and skill of climate predictions depends crucially on a good knowledge of the northern sea surface temperatures (SST) and sea ice distributions. On a regional scale, these parameters strongly impact on weather and climate in Europe, determining precipitation patterns and strengths as well as changes in temperature and wind patterns. NACLIM aims at investigating and quantifying the predictability on interannual to decadal time scales of the climate in the North Atlantic/European sector related to North Atlantic/Arctic Ocean surface state (SST and sea ice) variability and change.
DMI’s role: To quantify the uncertainty of state-of-the-art climate forecasts by evaluating the ability to model the most important oceanic and atmospheric processes in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans by comparing key quantities with observations.
Nordic CarboNord: Impact of Black Carbon on Air Quality and Climate in Northern Europe and Arctic
Project aims: are to provide new information on distribution and effects of black carbon in Northern Europe and Arctic, evaluate the reliability of related model-predictions, and suggest the policy-relevant approaches of reducing the climate- and air quality forcing by black carbon.
DMI's role: simulations with regional on-line integrated meteorology-chemistry model Envire-HIRLAM and studies of two-way interactions between pollutants and meteorological / climate process for the Nordic countries / European Arctic.

Funding: NordForsk - Research Project; total budget - 1.58 Mnok (DMI/UoC - 300 Knok)
Period: 1 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2016.
Collaborators: 5 partners from 4 Nordic countries: Finnish Meteorological Institute (Coordinator - Prof. Mikhail Sofiev; Finland), Swedish Meteorology and Hydrology Institute, Norwegian Meteorologiacal Institute, University of Århus (Denmark), Danish Meteorological Institute.
Participants from DMI: Alexander Mahura, Alexander Baklanov (on leave), Bent Hansen Sass and Bjarne Amstrup, (+ UoC - Alexander Kurganskiy, Roman Nuterman, Eigil Kaas)
Nordic CRAICC-PEEX: CRyosphere-Atmosphere Interactions in a Changing arctic Climate - Pan Eurasian EXperiment: (Link (external))
Project aims: are to strengthen collaboration between Nordic, Russian and Chinese key investigators and corresponding institutes in the PEEX frameworks; to make detailed design enabling long-term, top-level research activities in PEEX; to build direct links and to establish young researchers training and short-term exchange between the institutes. PEEX is a new large-scale initiative for conducting Arctic and boreal climate changes research in order to answer global grand challenges and to set up a process for planning and establishing of a world-class long-term, coordinated observations and modeling research programme focusing in the Pan Eurasian region, especially to cover ground-based, airborne and satellite observations. PEEX involves scientists from various disciplines, experimentalists and modelers, and international research projects funded by EU-Russian-Chinese funding programmes or organizations.
DMI’s role: Co-coordination; development of joint pilot studies for long-term research activities, PEEX scientific plan, research proposals; participations in join CRAICC_PEEX workshops and organization of workshop on climate change for Arctic seas and shipping; training / consulting of young researchers with Enviro-HIRLAM/HARMONIE research and development.
Funding: NordForsk - Top-level Research Initiative (TRI); total budget - 2.75 Mnok (DMI - 325 Knok)
Period: 1 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2015.
Collaborators: 26 partners from 7 countries: 9 EU partners - University Helsinki (Coordinator - Prof. Markku Kulmala; Finland), Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Stockholm University (Sweden), University of Århus (Denmark), University of Iceland, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (Norway), Danish Meteorological Institute,World Meteorological Organization (Switzerland), and 17 Russian partners - Moscow State University, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, AEROCOSMOS, Institute of Geography RAS, Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Nizhniy Novgorod State University, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Kola Science Center, and other institutes of Siberian Branch of Ras.
Participants from DMI: Alexander Mahura, Alexander Baklanov (on leave), Annabelle Lund, Martin Stendel, Jun She and Xiaohua Yang (+ Jens H. Sørensen, Bjarne Amstrup, Niels W. Nielsen)
Nordic CRUCIAL “Critical steps in understanding land surface atmosphere interactions: from improved knowledge to socioeconomic solutions”
Project aims: are continuing (after pilots-themes of the CRAICC-PEEX project) and strengthening research activities in understanding land surface atmosphere interactions and involving key Nordic and Russian research organizations of atmosphere-cryosphere research, research infrastructure facets, and linking further to socio-economical analysis; focusing on research and infrastructure development, science education activity - capability building - mobility.
DMI's role: contribute to research and infrastructure development, and science education activity - capability building – mobility, realization of the PEEX scientific plan, research proposals, participation in join CRUCIAL events, training/ consulting of young researches with Enviro-HIRLAM/ HARMONIE research and development and in particular: for urbanization processes impact on changes in urban weather and climate on urban-subregional-regional scales with contribution to assessment studies; for effects of various feedback mechanisms on aerosol and cloud formation and radiative forcing on urban-regional scales for better predicting extreme weather events with contribution to early warning systems; for GIS estimating of pollution from continuous emissions and industrial accidents for better assessment and decision making.

Funding: NordForsk – Top-Level Research Initiative (TRI); total budget – 2.964 Mnok (DMI - 327 Knok)
Period: 1 Aug 2016 – 31 Dec 2017
Collaborators: 16 partners from 4 Nordic countries and Russia: 8 partners - University Helsinki (Coordinator – Prof. Markku Kulmala; Finland), Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Stockholm University (Sweden), University of Århus (Denmark), Lund University (Sweden) Finnish Meteorological Institute, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (Norway), Danish Meteorological Institute, and 8 Russian partners - Moscow State University, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Tver State University, Tumen State University, AEROCOSMOS, High School of Economics, A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS.
Participants from DMI: Alexander Mahura, Rossella Ferretti, Kristian P. Nielsen, Niels W. Nielsen
NORTH - NORthern constraints on the Atlantic ThermoHaline circulation
Project aims: To assess the fundamental structure and operation of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation's northern limb and thus constrain its mean state, variance and sensitivity related to observed and projected climate change including possible feedbacks.
DMI’s role: To construct analytical models of northern THC that account for its observed structure, constrain variance and identify possible ocean feedbacks.
Funding: Network activities only.
Period: January 1st, 2014 - January 1st, 2018.
Collaborators: Lead Tor Eldevik (UiB), co-leader Peter M. Haugan (UiB); partners University of Bergen (UiB, coord.), University of Stavanger (UiS), Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC), Uni Research (uni); Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Stockholm University (SU), University of Washington (UW), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
Participants from DMI: Steffen M. Olsen project leader
Project aims: Improved forecasting of heavy precipitation and other hazardous meteorological phenomena including slippery roads and fog. Improved daily weather forecasting with usage in e.g. air traffic management, energy industry and specialized products.
DMI’s role: Development of new methods for assimilating radar derived precipitation, cloud properties and other observational data. Operational execution of rapid update cycles using hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic NWP models in high spatial resolution.
Funding: DMI, Danish Council of Strategic Research, Danish Ministry of Environment (MUDP)
Period: Since 2012 - ongoing activity.
Collaborators: DMI, Aalborg University, DTU-RISØ, Copenhagen University, DHI, GEUS, Knowledge Centre for Agriculture, Danisk Nature Agency, Danisk Road Directorate, Delft University of Technology, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), HOFOR, BIOFOS, and Krüger A/S.
Participants from DMI: Ulrik Smith Korsholm, Henrik Vedel, Claus Petersen, Rashpal Gill, Thomas Bøvith, Martin Sørensen, Mats Dahlbom and Bent Hansen Sass.
Nuclear and chemical emergency preparedness
Project aims: Nuclear and chemical emergency preparedness for the Danish Emergency Management Agency.
DMI’s role: Model development.
Funding: DEMA and DMI.
Period: 1992 - ongoing.
Collaborators:DMI, DEMA.
Participants from DMI: Jens Havskov Sørensen (coordinator) and Bjarne Amstrup
OMOVAST (Operativ model til varsling og styring)
Project aims: To enable better handling of waste and runoff water in cases of severe precipitation in the Copenhagen area. Including improved prediction of rain, more precise determination of the amount of water in sewage pipes and on street level, resulting in improved decision making when controlling the pipesystem, use of pumps and reservoirs, and the waste water plants.
DMI's role: DMI improves forecasting of precipitation, by including cloud and radar data in NWP, and by increasing the updatae frequency and time resolution of the NWP forecasts.
Funding: MUDP
Period: Jan. 2013 - Dec. 2014
Collaborators: BIOFOS, HOFOR, Kruger (coordinator), DMI
Participants from DMI: Henrik Feddersen, Claus Petersen, Bent Hansen Sass and Henrik Vedel
OPEC (Operational Ecology) (Link:
Project aims: The OPEC project (Operational Ecology) develops a new generation of operational marine ecosystem forecast tool. The EU-granted project targets at the development for the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the North-East Atlantic Sea, and the Baltic Sea. DMI, along with DTU-AQUA and DMU, is responsible for the Baltic Sea. The project is coordinated by Plymouth Marine Laboratory.
DMI’s role: The lower trophic level in the Baltic Sea.
Funding: EU PF7.
Period: January 1th, 2012 - December 31th, 2014.
Collaborators: SMHI SE-601 76 Norrköping Sweden, Brockmann consult GMBH, PML applications Ltd, HCMR Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, OGS Instituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale and DTU Danmarks Tekniske Universitet.
Participants from DMI: Jun She, Zhenwen Wan and Tian Tian. Weiwei involved until Jan. 1st, 2014.
ORCA - Oceanic Response, Controls and Attribution: west Greenland fjord circulation and accelerating glacier discharge
Project aims: In this project we propose to investigate the hydrography and circulation in the double-fjord system into which the outlet glaciers Rink and the Kangerdlugsupp Sermerssua terminate. These two tidal glaciers have shown very different dynamical response during recent years while they have been subject to the same atmospheric and far-field oceanic forcing. We hypothesize that oceanic processes on the fjord scale and smaller must play a role in controlling these glaciers' dynamics. The exchange between the two fjords and the open ocean, and hence heat and freshwater flux, are expected to be different due to the distinct geometries of the two fjords.
DMI’s role: DMI's role: Conduct field observations and contribute to the scientific production based on project data, dissemination, training and public outreach.
Funding: Obtained 6 days of ship time on R/V Sana plus 20.000 EUR for travel and logistics.
Collaborators: Laura de Steur (PI, NIOZ), J. Nash (OSU) and D. Sutherland (UOregon)
Participants from DMI: Steffen M. Olsen project leader.
P-TEP (Polar Thematic Exploitation Platform)
Project aims: P-TEP is an ESA project that focus on easy access to polar earth observation data including Sentinel1 data. The aim is to allow users to process data without downloading. The pilot project for the portal evolves around icebergs from calving off the western Greenlandic coast to iceberg detections and forecast of ice berg trajectories.
DMI's role: DMI provides historical data from waves, ocean, sea ice and atmosphere in order to force the iceberg trajectories. In addition output from PISM is provided to describe the current and future development of calving of glacial ice of the Greenlandic west coast. At last DMI is wp lead of the pilot project.
Funding: ESA
Period: May 2015 - Dec. 2017.
Collaborators: BAS, Polar view, AWST, DTU, S&T, Canadian ice Serve, C-Core, International Ice patrol, FMI, Hickling Arthurs Low Corporation, SAC
Participants from DMI: Till Rasmussen, Christian Rodehacke
PEGASOS: Pan-European Gas-Aerosols-Climate Interaction Study (Link (external))
Project aims: are to quantify the magnitude of regional to global feedbacks between atmospheric chemistry and a changing climate and to reduce the corresponding uncertainty of the major ones, and to identify mitigation strategies and policies to improve air quality while limiting their impact on climate change.
DMI’s role: improve and apply online coupled Enviro-HIRLAM integrated model with two-way cloud-aerosol feedbacks for studies of large-scale climate change impact on regional atmospheric composition, air quality, and micro-climate.
Funding: FP7 Large Scale Integrating Project; total budget – 7 MEu (UoC/DMI - 160 KEu)
Period: 1 Jan 2011 – 31 Dec 2014.
Collaborators: 26 partners from 15 countries: coordinator - Prof. Spyros Pandis - Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece), Research Centre Jülich (Germany), University of Helsinki (Finland), University of Leicester (UK), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (Italy), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland), University of Lund Universitet (Sweden), Wageningen University and Research Centre (Netherlands), National University of Ireland, University of Copenhagen / Danish Meteorological Institute (Denmark), Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Joint Research Center of EU Commission (Belgium), Max Planck Institute (Germany), Natural Environment Research Council (UK), Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland), Stockholm University (Sweden), University of Leeds (UK), Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (Germany), Climate Service Center (Germany), AirEl (Estonia), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria), Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, University Joseph Fourier (France)
Participants from DMI: Alexander Baklanov (+Roman Nuterman)
Project aims: The aim of Polar Ice is to develop a next generation sea ice information service by integrating and building on a wide range of existing European and national funded activities which incorporate many of the required components. Considerable investment has enabled development of key parts of a complete sea ice service chain. Polar Ice will link these together, fill known gaps and ensure a robust operational service.
DMI’s role: Delivery of ice forecasts and ice pressure products.
Funding: EU-FP7.
Period: January 1st, 2014 - December 31th, 2015.
Collaborators: eOsphere, BAS, DMI, PolarView, FMI, VTT, NR, MET, DTU, U-Bremen, KSAT, C-Core.
Participants from DMI: Leif T. Pedersen and Till Rasmussen
Polarview 2 (Link:
Project aims: Polar View is an international consortium providing a wide variety of earth observation products that monitor the Polar Regions and mid-latitude areas affected by ice and snow. The Polar View team includes government agencies, research institutes, system developers, service providers and end users from 17 countries. Created in 2005, Polar View provides a wide variety of earth observation products that monitor sea ice cover, glacier runoff, snow cover, snow melt, icebergs, river ice and lake ice.
DMI’s role: DMI delivers ice charts and satellite images.

Funding: ESA, Private.
Period: 2005 – ongoing.
Collaborators: eOsPhere, C-Core, BAS, HAL, DTU, MET, SMHI, FMI and others
Participants from DMI: Leif T. Pedersen project leader
RETAIN - Understanding and predicting non-linear change in the permeability of Greenland firn
Project aims: This project will 1) develop a percolation/retention scheme based on inverse modeling of shallow ice core data; 2) evaluate non-linearities in ice sheet melt water runoff; and 3) assess feedback mechanisms between atmosphere and surface properties (i.e. albedo) using a regional climate model applied to the past and future. We will thus achieve a more complete understanding of the ice sheet's past, present, and future climate response and its global sea level impact.
DMI's role: Implement a new percolation/retention scheme into the regional climate model HIRHAM5 and asses feedback mechanisms between atmosphere and surface properties.
Funding: Det Frie Forskningsråd | Natur og Univers
Period: Jan 1 2015 – Dec 31 2017
Collaborators: GEUS, DTU-ARTEK
Participants from DMI: Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Peter Langen and Ruth Mottram.
RiskChange – Risk-based design in a changing climate (Link: english (external))
Project aims: The RiskChange project focuses on the changing risks to society from climate change and seeks to develop an analysis and decision support tool that can be used to assess future risks and necessary investments in climate change adaptation. RiskChange will establish a scientific basis for design and adaptation of critical infrastructure, based on recent knowledge of changes in climate extremes. Statistical methods will be developed to quantify the expected changes in climate extremes taking into account the uncertainties related to climate forcing scenarios, climate modelling and downscaling. The project will contribute to the development of planning and decision support tools for local and central authorities and will form the basis for establishing design guidelines and associated tools for the industry.
DMI’s role: DMI is producing high-resolution dynamical downscaling simulations for Northern Europe and statistical analysis. In addition, DMI hosts and distributes the project’s regional climate model output produced by both DMI and the Bjerknes Center for Climate Research.
Funding: Danish Council for Strategic Research.
Period: Jan 2011 – Dec 2014.
Collaborators: DHI, DTU Environment, DTU Management Engineering, Det Norske Veritas, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Niels Bohr Institute, City of Copenhagen.
Participants from DMI: Cathrine Fox Maule and Ole Bøssing Christensen
SLIM (Source Localization by Inverse Methods)
Project aims: In early October 2017, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was informed by Member States that low concentrations of Ru-106 were measured in high-volume air samples in Europe from routine monitoring networks. However, no information was given that an accidental release of Ru-106 had taken place. Such events signify that there is a need for prompt and accurate responses from national radiation protection authorities in such cases. This requires that methodologies, suited for operational use, are developed for localization of the source of contamination based on available monitoring data, and furthermore, that the source term is characterized as well as possible in terms of source strength and time dependence of the release.
For operational use, nuclear decision-support systems (DSSs) should be extended with modules handling such monitoring data automatically and conveying them to the national meteorological centre accompanied by a request to run an atmospheric dispersion model in inverse mode. The aim would be to determine a geographical area in which to find the potential release point as well as the release period. The DSS user should subsequently have the ability to request forward calculations from the potential release sites. These forward runs would involve fitting the dispersion model results to the monitoring data, and the resulting source characterization data should be returned to the DSS. Obviously, the latter facility can be applied also in cases where the release location is in fact known, and hence, the objective is to estimate the source term and the timing of the release.
In the previous NKS-B project MUD, a methodology was developed for quantitative estimation of the uncertainty of atmospheric dispersion modelling stemming from the inherent uncertainties of meteorological model predictions. In SLIM, the inherent meteorological uncertainties will be taken into account by applying the MUD methodology to the inverse modelling approach both with respect to localizing the source, and to deriving the source characteristics, the source term. Previously, due to lack of computational power, such methods could not be applied in operational real-time decision support. However, with modern supercomputing facilities available e.g. at national meteorological centres the proposed methodology is feasible for real-time use, thereby adding value to decision support.
DMI's role: Coordination, development of methodology using the DERMA atmospheric dispersion model, application to selected cases.
Funding: Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS)
Period: Jan 2019 - Dec.2020.
Collaborators: DEMA (Danish Emergency Management Agency), SSM (Swedish Radiation Safety Authority), STUK (Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority), Met Norway, SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute), DTU Nutech, PDC-ARGOS, FMI
Participants from DMI: Jens Havskov Sørensen ; Henrik Feddersen, Kasper Tølløse
SalienSEAS (Enhancing the Saliency of climate services for marine mobility Sectors in European Arctic Seas)
Project aims:
• to understand the mobility patterns, constraints, challenges, decision-making contexts and information needs of end-users in different European Arctic marine sectors;
• to develop and apply participatory tools for co-producing salient weather and sea ice services with Arctic marine end-users; and
• to co-develop user-relevant and sector specific weather and sea ice services and dissemination systems dedicated to Arctic marine end-users tailored to key social, environmental and economic needs.

Funding: The SALIENSEAS project is funded by ERA4CS, through Innovationsfonden, and represents a strong consortium of international research institutes, including leading Arctic social scientists, experts on Arctic weather and climate prediction and data dissemination, and end-user representatives.
Period: 2017 - 2021.
Collaborators: Wageniningen, Univ.Tromsø,, Univ.Umeå, KU
Participants from DMI: Steffen M. Olsen, Matilde Brandt Kreiner, Jørgen Buus-Hinkler, Till Rasmussen
SAMAR - Short and long term ablation modelling based on Automatic Weather Station data and Regional Climate Model
Project aims: The overall goal of the project SAMAR is to improve predictive capabilities of surface energy balance (SEB) models both on short time scales (days and weeks), that are useful for example for operation of hydroelectric power plants and for making flood warnings, and on century time scale for improved projections of the contribution of glaciers to sea level rise. To achieve this overall goal we will take advantage of the wealth of data available in Iceland at IES, and three types of ablation models with various spatial extent and resolution. An SEB model that has been applied for points will be extended to a distributed surface module in HIRHAM5. To include the response of the glacier to the changes in the SEB, HIRHAM5 is coupled to the dynamic ice sheet model PISM for future projections. The objectives of the project are defined as follows:
Objective 1: Develop a distributed SEB model for Icelandic glaciers
Objective 2: Assess the sensitivity of the modelled ablation to variation in albedo and other energy balance components in the model
Objective 3: Validate the SEB module of HIRHAM5 with available observations from AWS and contribute to further development of this module
Objective 4: Validate and apply the coupled HIRHAM5-PISM model on Icelandic glaciers on both short and long time scales as well as with different spatial model resolutions
DMI’s role: Improved parameterisation of SEB in HIRHAM and apply the model to Icelandic glaciers using the PISM Ice Sheet model coupled to HIRHAM

Funding: The Icelandic Research Fund (Rannis)
Period: Sept. 1 2014 – Aug. 31, 2017.
Collaborators: Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, University of Iceland.
Participants from DMI: Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Christian Rodehacke, Fredrik Boberg, Peter Langen and Ruth Mottram
Sargasso eel
Project aims: The project is focused on establishing linkages between physical and biological oceanographic processes related to the eel spawning and larval feeding, growth and drift. Using a unique cross disciplinary approach, the project is expected to reveal the controlling factors that make this region so suitable to spawning and herby improve our understanding of potential climate influence on recruitment to the eel population.
DMI’s role: DMI will assist in guiding the research vessel during the cruise. In addition, DMI will develop frontal detection algorithms to study the seasonal and interannual changes in the physical conditions and link these changes to variations in the eel population.
Funding: Carlsberg fondet.
Period: Aug. 1st, 2013 - Dec. 31, 2015.
Collaborators: DTU Aqua, Copenhagen University
Participants from DMI: Jacob L. Høyer
CMEMS SI TAC (Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Services)
(phase-2 continuation of the CMEMS OSI TAC project)
Project aims: As part of EU’s Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) the Sea Ice Thematic Assembly Center (SI TAC) is responsible for the collection, processing, qualification and distribution of sea ice (SI) data products derived from radiometers (infra-red and microwave), scatterometers and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite missions. The SI TAC is in charge of the near-real time (NRT) and delayed mode (REP) processing of Sea Ice observations (regionally and globally), required for CMEMS modelling and data assimilation and for applications.
DMI's role: DMI plays an active role in operation, service and scientific development of the CMEMS service. DMI delivers ice charts and iceberg maps for the Greenland Waters and a combined ice and sea surface temperature product covering the whole Arctic. During the contract period DMI will further develop and improve these products eg. by utilizing the sensor capabilities of the Copernicus Sentinel-1, -2 and -3 satellites. DMI products are used by different stakeholders to monitor Arctic sea ice conditions and for data assimilation in Arctic ocean and ice models; resulting in improved model products for the users of EU’s Copernicus Marine Service.
Funding: In the CMEMS SI TAC project, DMI is contracted with (Norge) by 310.000 euro. leads the SI TAC consortium and is contracted with MERCATOR Ocean who has been delegated the overall task by the European Commission to implement EU’s Copernicus Marine Service.
Period: January 2018 - March 2021.
Collaborators: Consortium led by (Norge). Other partners are DTU-Space, FMI (Finland), BAS (England) and NERSC (Norge).
Participants from DMI: Matilde Brandt Kreiner (project leader), Jacob L. Høyer og Jørgen Buus-Hinkler, Jens Jakobsen
CMEMS SI TAC (Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Services)
(phase-2 continuation of the CMEMS OSI TAC project)
Project aims: As part of EU’s Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) the Sea Ice Thematic Assembly Center (SI TAC) is responsible for the collection, processing, qualification and distribution of sea ice (SI) data products derived from radiometers (infra-red and microwave), scatterometers and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite missions. The SI TAC is in charge of the near-real time (NRT) and delayed mode (REP) processing of Sea Ice observations (regionally and globally), required for CMEMS modelling and data assimilation and for applications.
DMI's role: DMI plays an active role in operation, service and scientific development of the CMEMS service. DMI delivers ice charts and iceberg maps for the Greenland Waters and a combined ice and sea surface temperature product covering the whole Arctic. During the contract period DMI will further develop and improve these products eg. by utilizing the sensor capabilities of the Copernicus Sentinel-1, -2 and -3 satellites. DMI products are used by different stakeholders to monitor Arctic sea ice conditions and for data assimilation in Arctic ocean and ice models; resulting in improved model products for the users of EU’s Copernicus Marine Service.
Funding: In the CMEMS SI TAC project, DMI is contracted with (Norge) by 310.000 euro. leads the SI TAC consortium and is contracted with MERCATOR Ocean who has been delegated the overall task by the European Commission to implement EU’s Copernicus Marine Service.
Period: January 2018 - March 2022.
Collaborators: Consortium led by (Norge). Other partners are DTU-Space, FMI (Finland), BAS (England) and NERSC (Norge).
Participants from DMI: Matilde Brandt Kreiner (project leader), Jacob L. Høyer og Jørgen Buus-Hinkler, Jens Jakobsen
ESA Microstructural Origin of Electromagnetic Signature in Microwave Remote Sensing of Snow (
Project aims: to build a "community sea ice microwave emission model" in the context of the SMRT model system. Emission models for different surface types play a central role in many applications of satellite data analysis, for example as forward operators in satellite data assimilation in numerical weather prediction models. A community model was missing for sea ice and the project aim was to close this gap.
DMI's role: to provide model functions for dielectric properties and scattering and to implement these in emission models.
Funding: ESA project. DMI is sub-contractor under University of Grenoble Alpes.
Period: Jan.2018 - Oct.2018.
Collaborators: UGA (Univ. of Grenoble Alpes), Contractor
Participants from DMI: Rasmus Tonboe, Mai Winstrup
SolarPACES Solar Radiation Products for end-users
Project aims: The objective of this project is to organize the solar radiation products according to different uses and define minimal requirements for each of them. The information will be published on a dedicated web page. This web page will include all the project deliverables and examples and comparisons of products from different developers.
DMI's role: DMI will be resposible for products characterizing low level attenuation, the solar spectrum and the sunshape.
Funding: The IEA SolarPACES program.
Period: July 2017 - June 2019.
Collaborators: CIEMAT (Spain), DLR (Germany), Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory at the University of Oregon (USA), Suntrace Gmbh (Germany), The Cyprus Insitute (Cyprus), ARMINES (France), NREL (USA).
Participants from DMI: Kristian Pagh Nielsen
SolarPACES Guidelines for creation of meteorological data sets for CSP performance simulations
Project aims: Proper knowledge of the availability and variability of solar irradiance - in particularly solar direct normal irradiance (DNI) - is the single most important thing for estimating the performance of planned concentrating solar power (CSP) systems. Classically, such performance simulations have been based on some form of typical meteorological year (TMY) data set that includes 12 typical months of data taken from a longer data series of quality controlled meteorological measurements. This approach, however, is lacking in the sense that the typical meteorological months in the data series do not accurately represent the variability of the solar irradiance. By utilizing multi-year data sets, probabilistic modeling can be performed that accounts for the full variability in a longer data series. Best practices for making and utilizing such data sets are needed. Making such guidelines will be the focus of this project.
DMI's role: Project management and investigation of the future variability in the solar resources with a particular focus on the risk of major volcanic eruptions.
Funding: The IEA SolarPACES program.
Period: 2015-04 to 2016-09
Collaborators: Suntrace Gmbh (Germany), Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory at the University of Oregon (USA), CIEMAT (Spain), ARMINES (France), CSIRO (Australia).
Participants from DMI: Kristian Pagh Nielsen
SOROS HF Radarproject (Link: danish (external))
Project aims: The project investigates the feasibility of a common Scandinavian HF radar system for monitoring the surface currents in Skagerrak area. Partners in the project are SMHI, and DMI. A test system consisting of two HF radars will be hired for a period of a few months and set up in summer 2014. The test system consists of two mid-range HF radars and covers a small area of Skagerrak and Kattegat. Measured surface currents will be validated against drifters.
DMI’s role: DMI has explored the possibilities for setup a HF radar on Danish soil to partly cover Skagerrak. Similar efforts have been done in Norway by and in Sweden by SMHI. DMI will together with and SMH validate the test system to be setup in summer 2014. DMI will have access to the HF radar data and drifter data. Apart from this, the three institutes are planning common development of assimilation routines.

Funding: EU/Interreg.
Period: Apr. 1th, 2012 - Dec. 31th, 2014.
Collaborators: SMHI,
Participants from DMI: Ole Krarup Leth
SPICES (Space-borne observations for detecting and forecasting sea ice cover extremes)
Project aims: The main objective of this project is to develop new methods to retrieve sea ice parameters from existing (and imminent) satellite sensors to provide enhanced products for polar operators and prediction systems, specifically addressing extreme and unexpected conditions.
DMI's role: Develop new methods for ice concentration and snow on sea-ice retrieval. Participate in seasonal forecasting WP.
Funding: EU H2020 Space
Period: 1. June 2015 - 31. May 2018.
Collaborators: FMI,, NERSC, U-Bremen, U-Hamburg, DTU-Space, U-Cambridge, ECMWF, AWI, IFREMER, CNR, ITU
Participants from DMI: Leif Toudal Pedersen, Rasmus Tonboe and Till Rasmussen
StratoClim: Stratospheric and upper tropospheric processes for better climate predictions (link: english (external))
Project aims: StratoClim will produce more reliable projections of climate change and stratospheric ozone by a better understanding and improved representation of key processes in the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere (UTS). This will be achieved by an integrated approach bridging observations from dedicated field activities, process modelling on all scales, and global modelling with a suite of chemistry climate models (CCMs) and Earth system models (ESMs).
DMI’s role: We will focus on the coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere in extra-tropical winters. The definition of sudden stratospheric warmings will be reassessed as well as the mechanism of the stratosphere/troposphere coupling.
Funding: FP7 Collaborative project.
Period: Dec 1st 2013 to March 2018.
Collaborators: 28 partners from 11 countries
Participants from DMI: Bo Christiansen and Shuting Yang
SVALI: The Stability and Variations of Arctic Land Ice (Link: english (external))
Project aims: SVALI is a multidisciplinary and cross-national science collaboration that aims to improve understanding of the stability and dynamics of the cryosphere, and the implementation of new and improved process formulations that have not been adequately addressed in current Earth System Models (ESM) before, by integration of observations, process studies and modelling.
DMI’s role: DMI will contribute to the project with better representation of the surface mass balance of Greenland ice sheets and better simulation of the ice sheet changes in future, using global and regional ESMs (i.e., EC-EARTH and HIRHAM) and their coupled system with the Greenland ice sheet model (PISM).
Funding: Nordic Top-level Research Initiative (TRI)
Period: Sept. 1 2010 – Aug. 31, 2015.
Collaborators: SVALI team consists of 18 research groups from all Nordic countries, led by the Department of geosciences, University of Oslo.
Participants from DMI: Shuting Yang, Ruth Mottram, Marianne S. Madsen and Synne Høyer Svendssen
S3 SLSTR IST (Sentinel 3 -Sea-ice surface temperature retrieval and validation)
Project aims: The S3 SLSTR IST project will develop and recommend retrieval algorithms for sea-ice and marginal ice zone temperatures for use with Sentinel-3 Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR), with special focus on bridging high-latitude SST and IST estimates to ensure minimal unphysical discontinuities in the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) in retrieved surface temperature across water and ice surface types. The Ice Surface Temperature (IST) products performance will be validated against in situ and model data, and compared with other IST satellite products. The work will result in a prototype processor suitable for future operational implementation for Copernicus Sentinel-3 SLSTR.
DMI's role: DMI is the leading entity of this contract. DMI undertakes the project management, develop, implement and validate the algorithm. The project will end with the processor and related validation tools being installed by DMI at EUMETSAT.
Period: Oct. 2018 - May 2020.
Collaborators: Ifremer, University of Leicester, Met No. DMI is the coordinator
Participants from DMI: Eva Howe and Gorm Dybkjær
S3vt-fa (Link:
Project aims: In situ Sea Surface Temperature measurements are very scarce at high latitude where satellite SST retrievals are particularly challenging. This project will provide detailed SST cal/val results for high latitudes during the Sentinel-3/SLSTR cal/val phase. This will be achieved through development and exploitation of a dedicated Sentinel-3/SLSTR MatchUp DB.
DMI’s role: Provide collocated Thermal-InfraRed radiometer data from the DMI-ISAR radiometer instrument operating on a Royal Arctic Lines vessel between Denmark and Greenland. The matched-Up DMI-ISAR and S3/SLSTR SST measurements will subsequently be exploited. The cal/val results will hereafter constitute a reference SLSTR matchup data set for high latitude SST due to the unique quality of the DMI-ISAR measurements.
Period: November 21th, 2014 - May 31th, 2017.
Participants from DMI: Gorm Dybkjær project leader, Jacob Høyer and Rasmus Tonboe
TASSEEF: Develop new tools to assess the environmental effects of fishing
Project aims: The project aims to develop new knowledge about the indirect effects on the marine environment of fishing dredgers, in particular to develop new tools and methods at the level of entire basins can establish new knowledge about fishing effects.
DMI's role: numerical modelling of Limfjorden.
Funding: Ministry of Food and Environment (EMFF)
Period: January 18, 2018 - August 5, 2018.
Collaborators: DTU, DCE
Participants from DMI: Jun She and Jens Murawsky
Time series analysis of arctic tropospheric ozone as short lived climate force
Project aims: Investigation of the long time series from Sodankylä, Ny Ålesund, Ittoqqortoormiit and Pituffik to investigate the tropospheric content of ozone to determine a baseline for the arctic tropospheric ozone through the last 25 years. Determination is important if a long term monitoring program is established for short lived climate components.
DMI’s role: Preparation of the time series for which DMI is responsible (Ittoqqortoormiit and Pituffik) and statistical analysis.

Funding: Nordisk Ministerråd (Nordic Council of Ministers)
Period: Apr 15th, 2014 – Feb 1st 2015.
Collaborators: FMI, NILU.
Participants from DMI: Niels Larsen, Bo Christiansen and Nis Jepsen
Project aims: Dynamic forecasting of flooding on land from storm surges. During the project, the DMI storm surge model will be coupled with the DHI inundation model, and two areas have been selected as test areas: Roskilde Fjord and Copenhagen. The coupled model will also be used for future scenario simulations.
DMI's role: DMI will participate in the model coupling, host the DHI inundation model and contribute to simulations of future scenarios and to the development of an user interface.
Funding: MUDP
Period: Jan. 2015 - May 2017.
Collaborators: DHI (coordinator), DMI
Participants from DMI: Kristine S. Madsen, Peter S. Rasch, Jacob W. Nielsen, Eivind Bengtsson, Thor Olason and Knud-Jacob Simonsen
VeVa (Vejrradardata - tilpasset og klar til anvendelse for hele vandsektoren og deres kunder) -
Project aims: The aim project is to accelerate the use of weather radar data in the water sector for all precipitation-related tasks from customer support to planning, design, climate change adaptation and control.
DMI's role: DMI's role is to provide scientific and technical know-how and support on weather radar data and its use.
Funding: VUDP
Period: Nov. 2018 - April 2020.
Collaborators: Aarhus Vand A/S (Coordinator), EnviDan A/S, InforMetics Aps, VandCenter Syd A/S, Aalborg Kloak A/S, HOFOR A/S, BIOFOS A/S, Aalborg University.
Participants from DMI: Thomas Bøvith (project leader), Rashpal Gill og Martin Sørensen
Veterinary emergency preparedness
Project aims: Veterinary emergency preparedness for the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.
DMI’s role: Model development.
Funding: DVFA and DMI.
Collaborators: DMI, DTU Wind Energy, DVFA.
Participants from DMI: Jens Havskov Sørensen (coordinator)
Visibility in the Baffin Bay
Project aims: Investigation of the potential for improvements in visibility forecasting for the Baffin Bay area.
DMI’s role: GAP analysis; operations of new measurement station on Eddefugleøerne; suggesting improvements for visibility forecasting in the Arctic.
Funding: Maersk Oil.
Period: 2013-2014
Participants from DMI: Ulrik Smith Korsholm and Bent Hansen Sass
WOW (Western valley OverfloW)
Project aims: The WOW project is a cooperation between Havstovan (Faroe Marine Research Institute) and the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) to measure the overflow of cold water from the Arctic into the World Ocean through the Western Valley of the Iceland-Faroe Ridge, to allow the effects of this flow to be adequately simulated in climate model projections of the thermohaline circulation and the heat transport towards the Arctic, and to design a low-cost monitoring system for this flow.
DMI's role: Combine results from the field experiment and historic data to extend the results to long-term estimates and to evaluate a recently proposed relationship between the WV-overflow and sea level east of Iceland. Develop methods to allow more accurate projections of oceanic heat transport towards the Arctic in climate models.
Funding: Dancea
Period: 2016 - 2018
Collaborators: Havstovan.
Participants from DMI: Steffen M. Olsen
Water Smart Cities (WSC)
Project aims: WSC will develop hydrological forecasts for usage by the utilities (waste water handling institutions) on the short and medium term (hours to several days) by integrating numerical models of the urban water system with sensor networks, weather forecasts, coastal/ocean forecasts and optimization techniques. In addition WSC will develop planning models, enabling assessment of the impact of specific, long term, city developments on flooding risks and the cost of mitigation, for usage in urban planning.
DMI's role: DMI will provide 4 types of precipitation and dry period forecasts:
1) DMI Radar-based nowcasting, 0-3 h.
2) DMI NWP nowcasting, 0-12 h.
3) DMI NWP ensemble, 0 - 48 h.
4) ECMWF ensemble, 0 - 10 days.
During the course of the project, DMI will improve the first 3 forecast types, through use of more observations and NWP model developments.
Funding: Innovation Fund Denmark + self-financing
Period: March 2016 - February 2020
Collaborators: DTU Env., DHI, Kruger, Aarhus Vand, VCS Denmark, HOFOR, BIOFOS, Rambøll.
Participants from DMI: Henrik Vedel, Claus Petersen, Henrik Feddersen, Martin Bjært Sørensen, Rashpal Gill, Thomas Bøvith.